Curriculum Vitae: Allan D. Fitzgerald, O.S.A.


1959 - 1960:      Villanova University

1961 - 1964:      B. A. in Philosophy

1964 - 1968:      Collegio S. Monica (Rome, Italy)

S. T. L. (conferred by the Lateran University)

1968 - 1970:      Institut Supérieur de Liturgie (Paris, France)

Terminal Degree in Liturgy

1970 - 1972:      Institut Catholique (Paris, France)

[fulfilled course requirements for S.T.D.]

Dec. 21, 1976:   Institut Catholique (Paris, France): Doctorat en Sciences

Théologiques avec spécialisation en liturgie et théologie sacramentaire

Thesis: The Theology and the Spirituality of Penance in the Italian Church

of the fourth and fifth centuries



1972 - 1977:      Religious Studies Department

Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania

1977 - 1980:      Theology Department: Liturgy faculty

Catholic University of America

1980 – 1997      Religious Studies Department

Villanova University

1990 -                Editor of Augustinian Studies, a semi-annual journal on St.Augustine, and his influence.

                           Sponsored by Villanova University

1997 -                Tenured Faculty member: Istituto Patristico Agostinianum, Rome, Italy

2001-                 Member of the Comité scientifique of the Revue des Etudes Augustiniennes

2003-                 Member of the Accademia Ambrosiana, Milan, Italy.




 Conversion through penance in the Italian Church of the Fourth and Fifth Centuries: New Approaches to the Experience of Conversion from Sin, Edwin Mellen Press, (Lewiston, N. Y.) Fall 1988 (Studies in the Bible and Early Christianity #15).

Augustine Through the Ages: an Encyclopedia, General Editor: Allan D. Fitzgerald, O.S.A. in coll. with John Cavadini/Marianne Djuth/James J. O'Donnell/Frederick Van Fleteren), Preface Jaroslav Pelikan, William Eerdmans Publishing Co. 1999.  

Responsible for the planning and organization of the volume, for selecting co-editors and for all communications with the 150 scholars who have contributed to this work. Also responsible for the table for Augustine's works, the tables for his sermons and his letters and the table for the chronology of his life and works. Author of several articles, among which the most important are: "Body"; "Mercy, works of mercy"; and "Penance". Other articles written: Adeodatus; Alypius; Circumcellions; Consensu euangelistarum, de; Excidio urbis Romae, de; Faustus of Milevis; Felix of Apthungi; Filioque; Habit (consuetudo); In epistulam Iohannis ad Parthos tractatus; In Iohannis evangelium tractatus; Lapsi; Locutionum in Heptateuchum; Navigius; Nebridius; Novatianism, Novatian; Octo quaestionibus ex ueteri testamento, de; Patricius; Perpetua and Felicity; Quaestiones euangeliorum; Quaestiones XVI in Matthaeum; Quaestionum libri septem; Retractationes; Rogatists; Romanianus; Simplicianus; Symbolo ad catechumenos, de; Thagaste (Souk-Ahras); Traducianism; Utilitate ieiunii, de

Augustine's Homilies on the Gospel of John, vol. 1, trans. E. Hill, ed. Allan Fitzgerald, O.S.A. New City Press, 2009.



Diccionario de San Agustín. San Agustín a través del tiempo (Spanish Edition, ed. J. García, Tr. C. Ruiz-Garrido), Burgos, Spain, Editorial Monte Carmelo, 2001. New articles: 2 more than the English edition

Encyclopédie Saint Augustin, La Méditerranée et L’Europe IVe-XXIe siècle (French Edition, ed. Marie-Anne Vannier), Preface Serge Lancel, Paris, Cerf, 2005. New articles: 26 more than the English edition

Agostino: Dizionario Enciclopedico (Italian Edition, eds. Luigi Alici, Antonio Pieretti) Rome, Città Nuova, 2007. New articles: 32 more than the English edition

Translations into Portuguese and Polish are presently in process.


"The Relationship of Maximus of Turin to Rome and Milan" Augustinianum 27 (1987) 465-486

"Arise! A Scriptural Model for Augustine's Conversion", Angelicum 64 (1987) 359-375,

"Maximus of Turin: How he Speaks about Sin to his People" Studia Patristica Volume 23, 1989 (1987 Oxford Patristic Conference).

"Almsgiving in the Works of Saint Augustine", Signum Pietatis. Festschrift for C. P. Mayer zum 65. Geburtstag in March 1989, p 445-459.

Introduction to B. de Margerie, S.J., An Introduction to the History of Exegesis: Saint Augustine (Petersham, MA: Saint Bede's Publications, 1991) pp. vii-xi.

"Culpa" Augustinus Lexikon, ed. C. Mayer (Basel: Schwabe & Co. 1986-), V. 2: 152-157.

"Damnatio" Augustinus Lexikon, ed. C. Mayer (Basel: Schwabe & Co. 1986-), V. 2: 224-227.

"Diuitiae" Augustinus Lexikon, ed. C. Mayer (Basel: Schwabe & Co. 1986-), V.  2: 526-532.

"La pénitence dans l'Église ancienne," La Pénitence: Connaissance des Pères de l'Église 75, Paris: Éditions Nouvelle Cité,  75 (1999) 17-34.

"Pénitence et Carême," La Pénitence: Connaissance des Pères de l'Église 75, Paris: Éditions Nouvelle Cité, 1999, pp. 35-42.

"L'oraison dominicale e le pardon des péchés," La Pénitence: Connaissance des Pères de l'Église 75, Paris: Éditions Nouvelle Cité, 1999, pp. 43-46.

"Ambrose and Augustine: Confessio as Initium Iustitiae," Augustinianum 40/1 (2000) 173-185.

"El Estudio de Agustín Hoy," Revista Agustiniana 42/129 (2001) 1181-1191.

"La patristique dans les pays anglophones depuis vight ans," Vignt ans d'études patristiqques dans le monde: Connaissance des Pères de l'Église, Paris, Éditions Nouvelle Cité, 85 (2001) 36-44.

"Peter and the rooster" Augustinianum 41/2 (2001) 409-423.

"Sacraments in Augustine: Theological Reflection and Pastoral Practice," Cor Inquietum 11 (2002) 59-71.

"Ambrose at the well: De Isaac et anima" Revue des Etudes Augustiniennes 48 (2002) 79-99.

"Ambrose, Paul and Expositio Psalmi cxviii" Augustiniana 54 (2004) 129-146.

"La dynamique de la joie chez Ambroise de Milan," Connaissance des Pères de l'Eglise (2004) forthcoming.

"San Agustín y L Eucaristía. La Presencia de la Iglesia" San Agustíin: 1650 Aniversario de su Nacimiento, Madrid, Centro Teológico San Agustín, 2004, p. 141-156.

"Tracing the passage from a doctrinal to an historical approach to the study of Augustine," Revue des Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques 50 (2004) 295-310.

"Augustine on Eucharist ...", in W. Mayer, P. Allen and L. Cross (eds), Prayer and Spirituality in the Early Church, vol. 4, Strathfield: St Paul’s Publications, 2006, pp. 267-280.

"Penance and the Early Church," in The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Studies, eds. S. Harvey, D. Hunter, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008, 786-807.

"Innocent I: Insight into the History of Penance," Revue des Études Augustiniennes et Patristiques 54/1 (2008) 95-110.

"Ambrose of Milan: his interpretive method," for the Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, Walter de Gruyter, forthcoming, 2009.

"When Augustine was a priest: pride, common good and Donatism," Augustinian Studies 40/1 (2009) 37–48.

"Navigius" Augustinus Lexikon, ed. C. Mayer (Basel: Schwabe & Co. 1986-), forthcoming.

"Novatian" Augustinus Lexikon, ed. C. Mayer (Basel: Schwabe & Co. 1986-), forthcoming.


Required course offered (Augustinianum) 2004-

+ Fundamental course on the Fourth Century [Every Fall semester from 2004- . . ]

Elective Courses offered (Augustinianum) 1998-2007

+ Reading the De Paenitentia of Ambrose of Milan [Spring 1998]

+ Introduction to the Fourth Century (with Maria Grazia Mara) [Fall 1998]

+ Lenten and Easter Sermons of several North Italian bishops of the 4th-5th centuries (Zeno of Verona, Gaudentius of Brescia, Maximus of Turin, Chromatius of Aquleia, and Peter Chyrsologus of Ravenna). [Spring 1999]

+ Reading the De Apologia David of Ambrose of Milan. [Fall 1999]

+ Penance in Ambrose of Milan. [Spring 2000]

+ Eucharist in Ambrose of Milan. [Fall 2000]

+ Reading the De Unitate Ecclesia of Cyprian [Spring 2001]

+ Reading the De Issac et Anima of Ambrose of Milan. [Fall 2001]

+ Penance in the Fathers, especially in Ambrose of Milan [Fall 2002]

+ Reading of  Explanatio Psalmi 37 of Ambrose of Milan [Spring 2003]

+ Eucharist in the Fathers, especially in Ambrose and Augustine [Fall 2003]

+ Reading of de Iacob et uita beata of Ambrose of Milan [Spring 2004]

+ Reading of de Interpellatione Iob et Dauide of Ambrose of Milan [Spring 2005]

+ Reading of the commentary on psalm 1 of Ambrose of Milan [Spring 2006]

+ Eucharist in the Early Church with special emphasis on Ambrose, John Chrysostom and Augustine [Spring 2007]


Recent conferences

Annual Patristic Conferences, Rome, Italy  (May, 1998-2008)

Annual Meetings/Conferences of the Accademia Ambrosiana, Milan, Italy (April, 2003-2008)

North American Patristic Conference, Chicago, Illinois

     May, 2006 : Innocent I: Insight into the History of Penance

     May, 2008 : When Augustine was a priest: pride, common good and Donatism