Articles 1970 to 2000
Vernon J. Bourke
"Voluntarism in Augustine's Ethic-Legal Thought"
Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 3-17
Caroline E. Schuetzinger
"Franz Koerner's Existantial Interpretation of the Young Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 19-29
Gerald Bonner
"Rufinus of Syria and African Pelagianism"
Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 31-47
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J.
"De libero arbitrio' I: Stoicism Revisited"
Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 49-68
John A. Mourant
"The Emergence of a Christian Philosophy in the Dialogues of Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 69-88
Robert E. Buckenmeyer
"The Meaning of Judicium and Its Relation to Illumination in
the Philosophical Dialogues of Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 89-132
Ernest L. Fortin
"The Political Implications of St. Augustine's Theory of Conscience"
Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 133-152
Eugene Kevane
"Paideia and Anti-Paideia: The 'Prooemium' of St.
Augustine's 'De Doctrina Christiana'"
Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 153-180
Theodore J. Kondoleon
"Divine Exemplarism in Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 181-195
John J. O'Meara
"Studies preparatory to an Understanding of the Mysticism of
St. Augustine and his Doctrine of the Trinity"
Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 263-276
John J. O'Meara
"Research Techniques in Augustinian Studies"
Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 277-284
John Thomas Newton, Jr.
"The Importance of Augustine's Use of the Neoplatonic
Doctrine of Hypostatic Union for the Development of Christology"
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 1-16
Luc Melchior Verheijen
"The Straw, the Beam, The Tusculan Disputations and The Rule
of Saint Augustine. On a Surprising Augustinian Exegesis"
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 17-36
John C. Cooper
"Why Did Augustine Write Books XI-XIII of The Confessions?"
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 37-46
Ronald H. Nash
"Some Philosophic Sources of Augustine's Illumination Theory"
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 47-66
Edmund Hill, O.P.
"Karl Rahner's 'Remarks on the Dogmatic Treatise De
Trinitate and St. Augustine'"
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 67-80
John F. Monagle
"Friendship in St. Augustine's Biography. Classical Notion of Friendship"
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 81-92
Leo Charles Ferrari
"Symbols of Sinfulness in Bock II of Augustine's 'Confessions'"
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 93-104
Michele Federico Sciacca
"Riflessioni sull'Enchiridion di Sant'Agostino"
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 105-113
Franz Roemer
"A Late Mediaeval Collection of Epistles Ascribed to Saint Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 115-144
Fritz-Joachim von Rintelen
"Augustine: The Ascent in Value Towards God"
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 155-178
Werner Beierwaltes
"Zu Augustins Metaphysik der Sprache"
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 179-195
Robert E. Buckenmeyer
"Augustine and the Life of Man's Body in the Early
Dialogues. The Problem and a Question"
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 197-211
John A. Mourant
"Remarks on the De Immortalitate Animae"
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 213-217
Edmund Hill, O.P.
"The 'De Trinitate': Annotations on the text of the latest
edition, in 'Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina L' (Turnhout, 1968)"
Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 1-14
Charles Boyer, S.J.
"Jean Calvin et saint Augustin"
Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 15-34
A. Hilary Armstrong
"Neoplatonic Valuations of Nature, Body and Intellect"
Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 35-59
Eugene TeSelle
"Rufinus the Syrian, Caelestius, Pelagius: Explorations in
the Prehistory of the Pelagian Controversy"
Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 61-95
Emilien Lamirande
"Augustine and the discussion on the sinners in the church
at the conference of Carthage (411)"
Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 97-112
Peter J. Riga
"Created Grace in St. Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 113-130
Robert E. Buckenmeyer
"Augustine and the Life of Man's Body in the Early Dialogues"
Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 131-146
Franz Roemer
"A Late Mediaeval collection of Epistles Ascribed to St. Augustine, Part II"
Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 147-189
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J.
"Augustine's Rejection of the Fall of the Soul"
Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 1-32
Frederick Van Fleteren
"Authority and Reason, Faith and Understanding in the
Thought of St. Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 33-71
D. J. MacQueen
"The Origin and Dynamics of Society and the State"
Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 73-101
John A. Mourant
"Augustine on Miracles"
Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 103-127
Wiebke Schrader
"Zu Augustinus ontologischer Aporie der Zeit. Zwei Interpretationen"
Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 129-139
José Moran, O.S.A.
"El Dios personal de la invocaciòn en las 'Confesiones' de San Agustín"
Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 141-157
Wilma Gundersdorf von Jess
"Augustine at Ostia: A Disputed Question"
Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 159-174
John A. Mourant
"A Reply to Dr. von Jess (Augustine at Ostia, pp. 159-174)"
Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 175-177
Leo Charles Ferrari
"The Boyhood Beatings of Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 1-14
T. A. Burkill
"St. Augustine's Notion of Nothingness in the Light of Some
Recent Cosmological Speculation"
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 15-17
Barbara Beyenba, O.P.
"The Names of St. Ambrose in the Works of St. Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 19-26
Frederick Van Fleteren
"Augustine's Ascent of the Soul in Book VII of the
Confessions: A Reconsideration"
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 29-72
Allen Caraniss
"Two Notes on Augustine, Charlemagne, and Romance"
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 73-84
Ernest L. Fortin
"Augustine and the Problem of Christian Rhetoric"
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 85-100
Donald V. Morano
"Augustine's linguistic success in 'De quantitate animae'"
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 101-111
Eugene TeSelle
"Porphyry and Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 113-147
Mary T. Clark, R.S.C.J.
"The Psychology of Marius Victorinus"
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 149-166
Alberto Pincherle
"Interno alla Genesi delle 'Confessioni' di s. Agostino"
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 167-176
Pasquale Borgomeo, S.J.
"Il Sermone CXXVI di Sant'Agostino, escampio di iniziazione alla fede"
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 177-195
William M. Alexander
"Sex and Philosophy in Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 197-208
Adolar Zumkeller, O.S.A.
"Neuinterpretation oder Verzeichnung der Gnadenlehre des
Pelagius und seines Gegners Augustinus?"
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 209-226
Gerard J.P. O'Daly
"Did St. Augustine Ever Believe in the Souls's Pre-Existence?"
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 227-235
Ralph Flores
"Reading and Speech in St. Augustine's Confessions"
Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 1-13
Colin Starnes
"Saint Augustine on Infancy and Childhood: Commentary on the
first Book of Augustine's Confessions"
Augustinian Studies 6 (1976): 15-43
Louis G. Kelly
"Saint Augustine and Saussurean Linguistics"
Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 45-64
Vernon J. Bourke
"Augustine and the Roots of Moral Values"
Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 65-74
Wilma Gundersdorf von Jess
"Divine Eternity in the Doctrine of St. Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 75-96
Peter S. Hawkins
"Polemical Counterpoint in 'De Civitate Dei'"
Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 97-106
Mary J. Sirridge
"St. Augustine and 'The Deputy Theory'"
Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 107-116
Penelope D. Johnson
"Virtus: Transition from Classical Latin to the 'De Civitate Dei'"
Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 117-124
Maurice Léveillé
"Don de l'Esprit et baptême. Réflexions en marge
d'une prédication augustinienne"
Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 125-151
Eugene TeSelle
"Regio Dissimilitudinis' in the Christian Tradition and its
Context in Late Greek Philosophy"
Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 153-179
Bruce S. Bubacz
"Augustine's Account of Factual Memory"
Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 181-192
Leo Charles Ferrari
"Monica on the Wooden Ruler (Conf. 3.11.19)"
Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 193-205
Maurice Léveillé
"Don de l'Esprit et baptême. Réflexions en marge
d'une prédication augustinienne"
Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 1-46
Leo Charles Ferrari
"Christus Via' in Augustine's Confession"
Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 47-58
Robert P. Russell, O.S.A.
"Cicero's Hortensius and the Problem of Riches in Saint Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 59-68
Joseph Fitzer
"The Augustinian Roots of Calvin's Eucharistic Thought"
Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 69-98
José Oroz Reta, O.A.R.
"Prière et recherche de Dieu dans les Confessions de saint Augustin"
Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 99-118
Alberto Pincherle
"The Confessions of St. Augustine: A Reappraisal"
Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 119-133
Patricia Wilson-Kastner
"Grace as Participation in the Divine Life in the Theology
of Augustine of Hippo"
Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 135-152
Donald A. Cress
"Hierius and St. Augustine's Account of the Lost 'De pulchro
et apto': Confessions IV, 13-15"
Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 153-163
Eugene TeSelle
"Some Reflections on Augustine's Use of Scripture"
Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 165-178
Ann K. Clark
"Unity and Method in Augustine's 'De Magistro'"
Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 1-10
Terry L. Miethe
"St. Augustine and Sense Knowledge"
Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 11-19
Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J.
"The Earliest 'Florilegia' of Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 21-31
Donald E. Daniels
"The Argument of the 'De Trinitate' and Augustines Theory of Signs"
Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 33-54
Leo Charles Ferrari
"The Barren Field in Augustine's 'Confessions'"
Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 55-70
John E. Wrigley
"Petrarch, Saint Augustine and the Augustinians"
Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 71-89
Charles W. Brockwell, Jr.
"Augustine's Ideal of Monastic Community: A Paradigm for His
Doctrine of the Church"
Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 91-109
Dorothy F. Donnelly
"The 'City of God' and Utopia: Revaluation"
Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 111-123
Brook Manville
"Donatism and St. Augustine: The Confessions of a Fourth
Century Bishop"
Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 125-137
Joseph F. Kelly
"Augustine in Hiberno-Latin Literature"
Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 139-149
David DeCelles
"Divine Prescience and Human Freedom in Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 151-160
Leo Charles Ferrari
"The 'Food of Truth' in Augustine's 'Confessions'"
Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 1-14
Marcia L. Colish
"St. Augustine's Rhetoric of Silence revisited"
Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 15-24
David E. Zoolalian
"Augustine and Wittgenstein. Some Remarks on the Necessity
of a Private Language"
Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 25-33
Bruce S. Bubacz
"St. Augustine's 'Si fallor, sum'"
Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 35-44
William J. O'Brien
"The Liturgical Form of Augustine's Conversion Narrative and
its Theological Significance"
Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 45-58
Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott
"Influence or Manipulation? The Role of Augustinianism in
the Defensor Pacis of Marsiglio of Padua"
Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 59-79
Richard Penaskovic
"Saint Augustine's Confessions and Newman's Apologia:
Similarities and Differences"
Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 81-91
Lawrence D. Roberts
"Augustine's Version of the Ontological Argument and Platonism"
Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 93-101
Vernon J. Bourke
"Lamirande on Augustine and Tolerance"
Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 103-108
Leo Charles Ferrari
"The Dreams of Monica in Augustine's 'Confessions'"
Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 3-17
Larry L. Bronson
"St. Augustine and Marlowe's 'Dr. Faustus'"
Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 19-26
John A. Mourant
"The 'Cogitos': Augustinian and Cartesian"
Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 27-42
J. Patout Burns
"The Interpretation of Romans in the Pelagian Controversy"
Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 43-54
William S. Babcock
"Augustine's Interpretation of Romans (A.D. 394-396"
Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 55-74
James J. O'Donnell
"The Inspiration for Augustine's 'De Civitate Dei'"
Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 75-79
James Dougherty
"The Sacred City and the City of God"
Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 81-90
John P. Maher, O.S.A.
"Saint Augustine and Manichaean Cosmogony"
Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 91-104
Thomas Renna
"The Idea of Peace in the Augustinian Tradition 400-1200"
Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 105-111
Joanne McWilliam Dewart
"The Influence of Theodore of Mopsuestia on Augustine's 'Letter 187'"
Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 113-132
Joseph M. Murphy
"The 'Contra Hilarium' of Augustine. Its Liturgical and
Musical Implications"
Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 133-143
Russell J. De Simone
"Mystery of Communion. St. Augustine on the Church"
Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 145-188
Leo Charles Ferrari
"Paul at the Conversion of Augustine (Conf. 8.12.29-30"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 5-20
John J. O'Meara
"Eriugena's Use of Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 21-34
Bruce S. Bubacz
"Augustine's Illumination Theory and Epistemic Structuring"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 35-48
Peter Iver Kaufmann
"The Lesson of Conversion: A Note on the Question of
Continuity in Augustine's Understanding of Grace and Human Will"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 49-64
Joseph W. Koterski
"St. Augustine on the Moral Law"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1981): 65-77
Paul G. Kuntz
"Augustine: From Homo Erro to Homo Viator"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 79-89
Terry L. Miethe
"Natural Law, the Synderesis Rule, and St. Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1981): 91-97
Gerald A. Press
"A Subject and Structure of Augustine's De Doctrina Christiana"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 99-124
Daniel A. Dombrowski
"Starnes on Augustine's Theory of Infancy: A Piagetian Critique"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 125-133
George J. Lavere
"The Political Realism of Saint Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 135-144
Laurie Scott
"The Spirit and the Letter: St. Augustine and Pascal"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 145-153
Ronald S. Cole-Turner
"Anti-Heretical Issues and the Debate over Galatians 2:
11-14 in the Letters of St. Augustine to St. Jerome"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 155-166
Richard Penaskovic
"An Analysis of St. Augustine's 'De Immortalitate Animae'"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 167-176
Mark D. Jordan
"Words and Word: Incarnation and Signification in
Augustine's 'De Doctrina Christiana'"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 177-196
Thomas Renna
"Augustinian Autobiography: Medival and Modern"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 197-203
Russell J. De Simone
"Modern Research on the Sources of Saint Augustine's
Doctrine of Original Sin"
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 205-227
George J. Lavere
"The Influence of Saint Augustine on Early Medieval
Political Theory"
Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 1-9
John C. Cavadini
"Alcuin and Augustine: 'De Trinitate'"
Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 11-18
José Oroz Reta, O.A.R.
"Une polémique augustinienne contre Cicéron: Du
fatalisme à la préscience divine"
Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 19-42
L. Johan Van der Lof
"The Threefold Meaning of 'Servi Dei' in the Writings of
Saint Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 43-59
J. Roland E. Ramirez
"Demythologizing Augustine As Great Sinner"
Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 61-88
David L. Mosher
"The Argument of St. Augustine's 'Contra Academicos'"
Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 89-113
F. Ellen Weaver and Jean Laporte
"Augustine and Women: Relationships and Teachings"
Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 115-131
Robert B. Eno, S.S.
"Doctrinal Authority in Saint Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 133-172
Paul G. Kuntz
"St. Augustine's Quest for Truth: The Adequacy of a
Christian Philosophy"
Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 1-21
Paul J. Archambault
"Augustine, Memory and the Development of Autobiography"
Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 23-30
Frances J. Chivers
"Wordsworth's 'Prelude' in the Tradition of Augustine's 'Confessions'"
Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 31-42
William J. Collinge
"Augustine and theological Falsification"
Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 43-53
George J. Lavere
"The Two Cities' of Otto, Bishop of Freising: Study in
neo-Augustinian Political Theory"
Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 55-65
Richard Penaskovic
"Two Classical Western Theologians: Augustine and Newman"
Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 67-79
E. Clasby
"Chaucer and Augustine: Human Love and the Doctrine of 'Use'"
Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 81-86
J. Kevin Coyle
"In Praise of Monica: A Note on the Ostia Experience of Confessions IX"
Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 87-96
Antoine Reymond
"Saint Augustin et la conversion"
Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 97-109
Judith Chelius Stark
"The Problem of Evil: Augustine and Ricoeur"
Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 111-121
J. Roland E. Ramirez
"The Priority of Reason over Faith in Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 123-131
William Riordan O'Connor
"The Concept of the Person in St. Augustine's 'De Trinitate'"
Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 133-143
M.J. Coughlan
"'Si fallor, sum' revisted"
Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 145-149
Leo Charles Ferrari
"Saint Augustine on the Road to Damascus"
Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 151-170
Raymond D. DiLorenzo
"Ciceronianism and Augustine's Conception of Philosophy"
Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 171-176
George J. Lavere
"The Problem of the Common Good in Saint Augustine's
'Civitas terrena'"
Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 1-10
Frances J. Chivers
"Wordsworth's 'Real Language of Men' and Augustine's Theory of Language"
Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 11-24
James J. O'Donnell
"Salvian and Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 24-34
James W. Conley and James J. McCartney
"Petrarch and Augustine: The 'Canzoniere' and the 'Confessions'"
Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 35-44
William Riordan O'Connor
"The UTI/FRUI Distinction in Augustine's Ethics"
Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 45-62
William J. Collinge
"The Role of christian Community Life in Augustine's Apologetics"
Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 63-73
Roland J. Teske, S.J.
"The World-Soul and Time in St. Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 75-92
Zacharias P. Thundy
"Love: Augustine and Chaucer"
Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 93-103
Theodore J. Kondoleon
"Augustine's Argument for God's Existence De Libero
Arbitrio, Book II"
Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 105-116
Raymond D. DiLorenzo
"Non Pie Quaerunt: Rhetoric, Dialectic, and the Discovery
of the True.."
Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 117-128
Carole E. Straw
"Augustine as pastoral Theologican: The Exegesis of the
Parables of the Field and Threshing Floor"
Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 129-151
Kenneth B. Steinhauser
"Recapitulatio in Tyconius and Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 1-5
Paul J. Archambault
"Augustine, Time, and Autobiography as Language"
Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 7-13
Lorenzo Viscido
"Augustinian Works Available in the Vivarium Library (6th Century)"
Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 35-40
William Lane Craig
"Augustine on Foreknowledge and Free Will"
Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 41-63
Roland J. Teske, S.J.
"Spirituals and Spiritual Interpretation in Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 65-81
Mary T. Clark, R.S.C.J.
"Augustinian Spirituality"
Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 83-92
John C. Cooper
"The Basic Philosophical and Theological Notions of Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 93-113
Jonathan Black
"De Civitate dei' and the Commentaries of Gregory the Great,
Bede and Hrabanus Maurus on the book of Samuel"
Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 114-127
Russell J. De Simone
"Augustine and the Parables of Jesus"
Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 129-131
Joanne McWilliam Dewart
"Augustine's Developping Use of the Cross: 387-400"
Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 15-33
Frances Stefano
"Lordship over Weakness: Humanity as Locus of Divine Power
in Augustine's Tractatates on the Gospel of John"
Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 1-19
Herman J. Cloeren
"St. Augustine's De Magistro, a transcendental Investigation"
Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 21-27
Thomas Renna
"Angels and Spirituality: The Augustinian Tradition to Eckhardt"
Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 29-37
Dean Simpson
"Epicureanism in the Confessions of St. Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 39-48
William J. Collinge
"Developments in Augustine's Theology of christian Community
Life after AC 395"
Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 49-63
Carl P.E. Springer
"The Artistry of Augustine's Psalmus contra partem Donati"
Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 65-74
Raymond D. DiLorenzo
"Divine Eloquence and the spiritual World of the
'Praedicator': Book III of St. Augustine's Confessions"
Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 75-88
Paolo Miccoli
"Storia e Profezia nel Pensiero di S. Agostino"
Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 89-106
Paul G. Kuntz
"The I-Thou-Relation and Aretaic Divine Command Ethics:
Augustine's Study of Virture and Vices in the Confessions"
Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 107-127
Frank P. Riga
"Augustinian Pride and the Work of C.S. Lewis"
Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 129-136
Russell J. De Simone
"St. Augustine: On Being a Christian"
Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 1-14
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J.
"On Augustine's First Conversion: Factus Erectior (De Beata Vita 4)"
Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 15-30
Petrus Cornelius Mayer, O.S.A.
"Augustins Bekehrung im Lichte seiner `Bekenntnisse': Ein
Exempel der kirchlichen Gnadenlehre"
Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 31-47
Eugene Kevane
"Christian Philosophy: The Intellectual Side of Augustine's Conversion"
Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 47-84
Pedro Langa
"Reflexiones agustinianas sobre la riqueza"
Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 85-108
Paul J. Archambault
"Shifts of Narrative Level in Saint Augustine's Confessions"
Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 109-118
David Chidester
"The Symmetry of Word and Light: Perceptual Categories in
Augustine's Confessions"
Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 119-134
Richard Penaskovic
"The Fall of the Soul in Saint A: A Quaestio Disputata"
Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 135-146
Mary T. Clark, R.S.C.J
"Victorinus and Augustine: Some Differences"
Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 147-160
José Oroz Reta, O.A.R.
"L'homme nouveau selon saint Augustin"
Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 161-168
Tarcisius J. van Bavel
"The Double Face of Love in Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 169-182
William R Schoedel
"Tarcisius van Bavel on Augustine and Love: A Response"
Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 183-186
Charles Kannengiesser
"Augustine On Love"
Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 187-190
Jaroslav Pelikan
"An Augustinian Dilemma: Augustine's Doctrine of Grace
versus Augustine's Doctrine of the Church?"
The 1987 Saint Augustine Lecture
Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 1-29
Leo Charles Ferrari
"An Analysis of Augustine's Conversional Reading"
Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 30-51
Carl P.E. Springer
"The Prosopopeia of Church as Mother in Augustine's Psalmus
contra partem Donati"
Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 52-65
N. Joseph Torchia
"St. Augustine's Treatment of Superbia and its Plotinian Affinities"
Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 66-80
Christopher Ocker
"Augustinianism in Fourteenth-Century Theology"
Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 82-107
Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott
"Medieval Sources of the Theme of Free Will in Hannah
Arendt's The Life of the Mind: Augustine, Aquinas and Scotus"
Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 107-124
William J. Collinge
"De Trinitate and the Understanding of Religious Language"
Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 125-150
Daniel A. Dombrowski
"The Confessions of Augustine and DeQuincey"
Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 151-164
Theodore J. Kondoleon
"Augustine and the Problem of Divine Foreknowledge and Free Will"
Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 165-187
Russell J. De Simone
"Augustine and the Anti-Life Mentality"
Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 190-200
Russell J. De Simone
"Augustine, On Being a Christian"
The 1988 Saint Augustine Lecture
Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 1-36
David A. Lenihan
"The Just War Theory in the Work of Saint Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 37-70
Robert J. Goar
"Reflections on some Anti-Roman Elements in De Civitate Dei,
Books I-V"
Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 71-84
Roland J. Teske, S.J.
"A Decisive Admonition for Saint Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 85-93
Paul F. Gehl
"An Augustinian Catechism in Fourteenth Century Tuscany:
Prosper's Epigrammata"
Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 93-110
N. Joseph Torchia
"Curiositas in the Early Philosophical Writings of Saint Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 111-120
J. Roland E. Ramirez
"Augustine's Proof for God's Existence from the Experience of Beauty"
Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 121-130
Thomas D. Feehan
"Augustine on Lying and Deception"
Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 131-140
Craig L. Hanson
"Usury and the World of St. Augustine of Hippo"
Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 141-164
John M. Quinn, O.S.A.
"Anti-Manichean and other moral Precisions in Confessions"
Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 165-194
William H.C. Frend
"Augustine and Orosius: On the End of the Ancient World"
The 1989 Saint Augustine Lecture
Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 1-38
Marianne Djuth
"Fulgentius of Ruspe: The 'Initium bonae Voluntatis'"
Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 39-60
Michael J. Scanlon, O.S.A.
"The Augustinian Tradition: A Retrieval"
Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 61-92
Pamela Jackson
"Ambrose of Milan as Mystagogue"
Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 93-108
Donald A. Cress
"Augustine's Privation Account of Evil. A Defense"
Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 109-128
William A. Stephany
"Thematic Structure in Augustine's Confessions"
Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 129-142
Edwin D. Craun
"Verbum Nuncius est rationis': Augustinian Sign Theory in
Medieval Pastoral Discourse on Deviant Speech"
Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 143-164
Rose Lockwood
"Potens et Factiosa Femina. Women, Martyrs and Schism in
Roman North Africa"
Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 165-182
Maria M. Archambault
"The Iconography of St. Augustine: Gozzoli's Fresco Cycle in
San Gimignano"
Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 183-198
Tarsicius J. Van Bavel
"The Creator and the Integrity of Creation in the Fathers of
the Church, especially in Saint Augustine"
The 1990 Saint Augustine Lecture
Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 1-33
Marianne Djuth
"Faustus of Riez: Initium Bonae Voluntatis"
Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 35-53
Donald X. Burt
"Courageous Optimism: Augustine on the Good of Creation"
Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 55-56
Thomas D. Feehan
"The Morality of Lying in St. Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 67-81
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J.
"Faith, Reason, and Ascent to Vision in St. Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 83-126
Frederick Van Fleteren
"A Reply to Robert O'Connell"
Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 127-137
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J.
"Where the Difference still lies"
Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 139-152
J. Roland E. Ramirez
"Augustine's Numbering Numbers and the Immortality of the
Human Soul"
Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 153-161
N. Joseph Torchia
"Pondus meum amor est'. The Weight-Metaphor in St.
Augustine's Early Philosophy"
Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 163-176
James J. O'Donnell
"The Authority of Augustine"
The 1991 Saint Augustine Lecture
Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 7-35
Leo Charles Ferrari
"Augustine's 'discovery' of Paul (Confessions 7.21.27"
Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 37-61
Danne W. Polk
"Temporal Impermanence and the Disparity of Time and Eternity"
Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 63-82
Donald X. Burt
"Friendship and Subordination in Earthly Societies"
Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 83-123
Joseph Wawrykow
"Perseverance' in 13th Century Theology: the Augustinian contributio"
Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 125-140
Roland J. Teske, S.J.
"St. Augustine's View of the Original Human Condition in 'De
Genesi contra Manichaeos'"
Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 141-155
Oliver Phillips
"St. Augustine's Lucanesque Moment: the Third Book of the
'City of God'"
Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 157-164
Thomas D. Feehan
"Augustine's Own Examples of Lying"
Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 165-190
Donald L. Ross
"Time, the Heaven of Heavens, and Memory in Augustine's Confessions"
Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 191-205
Marianne Djuth
"Faustus of Riez and the Royal Way"
Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 207-216
Roland J. Teske, S.J.
"Saint Augustin as Philosopher: The Birth of Christian Metaphysics"
The 1992 Saint Augustine Lecture
Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 7-32
Gerald Bonner
"Pelagianism and Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 33-51
George P. Lawless
"Augustine's Use of Rhetoric in His Interpretation of John 21, 19-23"
Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 53-67
Frederick Van Fleteren
"Per Speculum in aenigmate: The Use of I Corinthians 13,12
in the Writings of Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 69-102
John C. Cavadini
"The Structure and Intention of Augustine's De Trinitate"
Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 103-123
Gerald W. Schlabach
"Friendship As Adultery: Social Reality and Sexual Metaphor
in Augustine's Doctrine of Original Sin"
Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 125-147
William P. Haggerty
"Augustine, the 'mixed Life', and Classical Political
Philosophy Reflections on Compositio in Book 19 of the City of God"
Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 149-163
Gillian R. Evans
"Augustine on Knowing what to Believe"
The 1993 Saint Augustine Lecture
Augustinian Studies 24 (1994): 7-25
Gerald Bonner
"Augustine and Pelagianism"
Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 27-49
Kim Power
"Sed unam tamen: Augustine and His Concubine"
Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 49-77
Bradley Starr
"Modernity, Antiquity and 'Thoughts Which Have Not Yet Been
Thought': Ernst Troeltsch's Interpretation of Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 24 (1994): 77-102
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J.
"Peter Brown on the Soul's Fall"
Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 103-131
Paul Burns
"Augustine's Distinctive use of the Psalms in the
Confessions: the role of music and recitation"
Augustinian Studies 24 (1994): 133-146
Rowan Williams
"Good for nothing'? Augustine on Creation"
Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 9-24
James J. O'Donnell
"Augustine's Idea of God"
Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 25-35
Michael J. Scanlon, O.S.A.
"Augustine and Theology as Rhetoric"
Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 37-50
Edmund Hill, O.P.
"Unless you believe, you shall not understand"
Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 51-64
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J.
"The Visage of Philosophy at Cassiciacum"
Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 65-76
Robert Dodaro
"Eloquent lies, just wars and the politics of persuasion:
Reading Augustine's City of God in a 'postmodern' world"
Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 77-137
Kari Elisabeth Borresen
"Patristic Feminism: The Case of Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 139-152
David G. Hunter
"Augustinian Pessimism? A New Look at Augustine's Teaching
on Sex, Marriage and Celibacy"
Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 153-177
William S. Babcock
"Augustine and the Spirituality of Desire"
Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 179-199
George Lawless, O.S.A.
"Cave, Cinema, and the Church: Augustine of Hippo and Walker Percy"
The 1994 Saint Augustine Lecture
Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 7-36
Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J.
"Origen and Augustine: Preaching on John the Baptist"
Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 37-46
Peter Burnell
"Concupiscence and Moral Freedom in Augustine and before Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 49-63
Earl Muller, S.J.
"The Dynamic of Augustine's De Trinitate: A Response to a
Recent Characterization"
Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 65-91
James Siebach
"Rhetorical Strategies in book One of St. Augustine's Confessions"
Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 93-108
Leo C. Ferrari
"Young Augustine: Both Catholic and Manichee"
Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 109-128
Lance Byron Richey
"Porphyry, Reincarnation and Resurrection in De Ciuitate Dei"
Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 129-142
David G. Hunter
"The Date and Purpose of Augustine's De contintntia"
Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 7-24
Michael R. Rackett
"Anti-Pelagian Polemic in Augustine's De Continentia"
Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 25-50
Michel René Barnes
"De Regnon Reconsidered"
Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 51-79
Marianne Saghy
"Conversio Animae"
Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 81-108
L. Johan van der Lof
"Abraham's Bosom in the Writings of Irenaeus, Tertullian and Augustine"
Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 109-123
Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J.
"Reading the Bible and Learning to Read: The Influence of
Education on St. Augustine's Exegesis"
The 1995 Saint Augustine Lecture
Augustinian Studies 27:1 (1996): 7-25
Andrew McGowan
"Ecstasy and Charity: Augustine with Nathanael under the Fig Tree"
Augustinian Studies 27:1 (1996): 27-38
Laurie Douglass
"Voice Re-Cast: Augustine's Use of Conversation"
Augustinian Studies 27:1 (1996): 39-54
David A. Lenihan
"The Influence of Augustine's Just War: the Early Middle Ages"
Augustinian Studies 27:1 (1996): 55-94
Eugene TeSelle
"Thesis on O'Connell: The Origin and 'Proper Life' of the
Soul in Augustine's Thought"
Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 7-19
Stephen A. Cooper
"Scripture at Cassiciacum: I Corinthians 13: 13 in the Soliloquies"
Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 21-47
Dorothea Weber
"Gedanken zur Textgestaltung von Augustinus: Enarrationes in
Psalmos 64 und 68"
Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 47-58
George Lawless, O.S.A.
"The Man Born Blind: Augustine's Tractate 44 on John 9"
Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 61-79
David Vincent Meconi, S.J.
"St. Augustine's Early Theory of Participation"
Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 81-98
Carol Scheppard
"The Transmission of Sin in the Seed: A Debate between
Augustine of Hippo and Julian of Eclanum"
Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 99-108
Frederick Van Fleteren
"Augustine's Principles of Biblical Exegesis, De doctrina
christiana Aside: Miscellaneous Observations"
Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 109-130
Leo Ferrari
"Augustine's Cosmography"
Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 131-180
Basil Studer, O.S.B.
"History and Faith in Augustine's De Trinitate"
The 1996 Saint Augustine Lecture
Augustinian Studies 28:1 (1997): 7-50
George Lawless, O.S.A.
"Listening to Augustine: Tractate 44 on John 9"
Augustinian Studies 28:1 (1997): 51-66
Robert Innes
"Integrating the Self through the Desire of God"
Augustinian Studies 28:1 (1997): 67-109
Allison Lee Palmer
"The Church of Gesu e Maria in Rome: Augustinian Iconography
in the Counter-Reformation"
Augustinian Studies 28:1 (1997): 111-140
Kim Paffenroth
"Tears of Grief and Joy: Confessions Book 9: Chronological
Sequence and Structure"
Augustinian Studies 28:1 (1997): 141-154
William Harmless, S.J.
"Christ the Pediatrician: Infant Baptism and Christological
Imagery in the Pelagian Controversy"
Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 7-34
George Lawless, O.S.A.
"The Wedding at Cana: Augustine on the Gospel according to
John, Tractates 8 and 9"
Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 35-80
John M. Norris
"Macrobius: A Classical Contrast to Christian Exegesis"
Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 81-100
Jason P. Drucker
"Teaching as Pointing in 'The Teacher'"
Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 101-132
John M. Rist
"Democracy and Religious Values: Augustine on Locke, Lying
and Individualism"
The 1997 Saint Augustine Lecture
Augustinian Studies 29:1 (1998): 7-24
Michael Mendelson
""The Business of Those Absent:" The Origin of the Soul in
Augustine's De Genesi Ad Litteram 10.6-26"
Augustinian Studies 29:1 (1998): 25-81
Lilian H. Zirpolo
"The Impact of St. Augustine's Writings on the Arts: The
Sacchetti Chapel as Exemplar"
Augustinian Studies 29:1 (1998): 83-109
Lewis Ayres
"The Christological Context of Augustine's De trinitate
XIII: Toward Relocating Books VIII-XV"
Augustinian Studies 29:1 (1998): 111-139
Philip Cary
"What Licentius Learned: A narrative Reading of the
Cassiciacum Dialogues"
Augustinian Studies 29:1 (1998): 141-163
David F. Wright
"Monnica's Baptism, Augustine's Deferred Baptism, and Patricius"
Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 1-17
Julia Fleming
"By Coincidence or Design?: Cassian's Disagreement with
Augustine Concerning the Ethics of Falsehood"
Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 19-34
Johannes Brachtendorf
""..prius esse cogitare quam credere" -- A Natural
Understanding of 'Trinity' in St. Augustine?"
Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 35-45
Laura Holt
"Wisdom's Teacher: Augustine at Cassiciacum"
Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 47-60
David Vincent Meconi, S.J.
"The Incarnation and the Role of Participation in St.
Augustine's Confessions"
Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 61-75
Eric O. Springsted
"Will and Order: The Moral Self in Augustine's De Libero Arbitrio"
Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 77-96
Frances Young
"The Confessions of Saint Augustine: What is the Genre of
this Work?"
The 1998 Saint Augustine Lecture
Augustinian Studies 30:1 (1999): 1-16
Mark Weedman
"Martyrdom and Docetism in Hilary of Poitiers's De Trinitate"
Augustinian Studies 30:1 (1999): 21-41
Michel René Barnes
"Exegesis and Polemic in Augustine's De Trinitate I"
Augustinian Studies 30:1 (1999): 43-59
Josef Loessl
"Augustine's On the Trinity in Gregory Palamas's One Hundred
and Fifty Chapters"
Augustinian Studies 30:1 (1999): 61-82
Thomas O'Loughlin
"The Development of Augustine the Bishop's Critique of Astrology"
Augustinian Studies 30:1 (1999): 83-103
Derek Simon
"Ad Regnum Caritatis: The Finality of Biblical Interpretation"
Augustinian Studies 30:1 (1999): 105-127
Mark Vessey and Karla Pollmann
"Introduction to History, Apocalypse, and the Secular
Imagination: New Essays on Augustine's City of God"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 1-26
Neil B. McLynn
"Augustine's Roman Empire"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 29-44
G.J.P. O'Daly
"Thinking through History: Augustine's Method in the City of
God and Its Ciceronian Dimension"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 45-57
Catherine Conybeare
"Terrarum Orbi Documentum: Augustine, Camillus, and Learning
from History"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 59-74
Philippe Bruggisser
"City of the Outcast and City of the Elect: The Romulean
Asylum in Augustine's City of God and Servius's Commentaries
on Virgil"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 75-104
Paul C. Burns
"Augustine's Use of Sallust in the City of God: The Role of
the Grammatical Tradition"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 105-114
David Lambert
"Uses of Decay: History in Salvian's De gubernatione dei"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 115-130
Paul B. Harvey, Jr.
"Approaching the Apocalypse: Augustine, Tyconius, and John's
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 133-151
Harry O. Maier
"The End of the City and the City without End: The City of
God as Revelation"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 153-164
Karla Pollmann
"Moulding the Present: Apocalyptic as Hermeneutics in City
of God 21-22"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 165-181
Virginia Burrus
"An Immoderate Feast: Augustine Reads John's Apocalypse"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 183-194
Thomas A. Smith
"The Pleasure of Hell in City of God 21"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 195-204
J. Kevin Coyle
"Adapted Discourse: Heaven in Augustine's City of God and in
His Contemporary Preaching"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 205-219
Kevin L. Hughes
"Augustine and the Adversary: Strategies of Synthesis in
Early Medieval Exegesis"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 221-233
Gretchen E. Minton
"Civitas to Congregation: Augustine's Two Cities and John
Bale's Image of Both Churches"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 237-256
Mark Vessey
"The Citie of God (1610) and the London Virginia Company"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 257-281
Peter J. Burnell
"Is the Augustinian Heaven Inhuman? The Arguments of Martin
heidegger and Hannah Arendt"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 283-292
Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott
"Hannah Arendt's Secular Augustinianism"
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 293-310
Michael J. Hollerich
"John Milbank, Augustine, and the "Secular""
Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 311-326
Robert Louis Wilken
"Spiritus sanctus secundum scripturas sanctas: Exegetical
Considerations of Augustine on the Holy Spirit"
The 1999 Saint Augustine Lecture
Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 1-18
Stephen Hildebrand
"The Letter Kills but the Spirit Gives Life: Romans 7 in the
Early Works of Augustine and in Rufinus's Translation of
Origen's Commentary"
Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 19-39
Roland J. Teske, S.J., Ronnie J. Rombs, and Joseph T.
Lienhard, S.J.
"Tribute and Bibliography in Memory of Robert John
O'Connell, S.J., 1925-1999"
Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 41-58
Christian Schaefer
"Augustine on Mode, Form, and Natural Order"
Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 59-77
Johannes Brachtendorf
"The Goodness of Creation and the Reality of Evil: Suffering
as a Problem in Augustine's Theodicy"
Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 72-92
Thomas L. Holtzen
"The Therapeutic Nature of Grace in St. Augustine's De
Gratia et Libero Arbitrio"
Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 93-115
Book Reviews 1970 to 2000
Mary T. Clark, R.S.C.J.
"The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Medieval
Book Reviewed: A. H. Armstrong, The Cambridge History of Later Greek and
Medieval Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967
Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 197-222
V.D. Connerty
"Augustine and the Latin Classics."
Book Reviewed: H. Hagendahl, Augustine and the Latin Classics, Goeteborg:
Elanders Boktagekor Aktiebolag, 1967, 796pp
Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 223-235
aRudolph Eugen Arbesmann, O.S.A.
"The Question of the 'Regula Sancti Augustini'"
Book Reviewed: L. Verheijen, La Règle de Saint Augustin, 2v, Paris:
Etudes Augustiniennes, 1967
Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 237-261
John J. O'Meara
"Understanding of the Mysticisam of St. Augustine and His
Doctrine on the Trinity"
Book Reviewed: O. du Roy, L'Intelligence de la Foi en la Trinité selon
Saint Augustin, Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1966 and A.
Mandouze, Saint Augustin: L'Aventure de la Raison et de la
Grâce, Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1968
Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 263-276
Vernon J. Bourke
"Perler's Contribution to Augustine Biography"
Book Reviewed: O. Perler, Les Voyages de Saint Augustin, Paris: Etudes
Augustiniennes, 1969, 564pp
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 219-229
Gerald Bonner
"Quid imperatori cum ecclesia? St. Augustine on History and
Book Reviewed: R. Markus, Saeculum: History and Society in the Theology of
St. Augustine, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 231-251
Ernest L. Fortin
"Reflections on the Proper Way to Read Augustine the
Book Reviewed: E. TeSelle, Augustine the Theologian, New York: Herder &
Herder, 1970
Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 253-272
Frederick Van Fleteren
"Erasmus and Augustine: A Comment on a Recent Work"
Book Reviewed: C. Béné, Erasme et saint Augustin, Geneva: Droz,
Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 191-203
Eugene Kevane
"Professor Howie on Augustine and Education"
Book Reviewed: G. Howie, Educational Theory and Practice in St. Augustine,
London: Routledge and Kegan paul, 1969
Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 205-215
Ernest L. Fortin
"The Patristic Sense of Community"
Book Reviewed: Jeremy Duquesnoy, The Populus of Augustine and Jerome: A
Study in the Patristic Sense of Community, New Haven: Yale
University Press, 1971
Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 179-197
John J. O'Meara
"The Conditions of Controversy"
Book Reviewed: François Decret, Aspects du Manichéisme dans
l'Afrique Romaine, Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1970
Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 199-204
Vernon J. Bourke
"Socio-Religous Issues in Augustine's Day"
Book Reviewed: P. Brown, Religion and Society in the Age of Saint
Augustine, London: Faber and Faber, 1972
Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 205-212
Adolar Zumkeller, O.S.A.
"Neuinterpretation oder Verzeichnung der Gnadenlehre des
Pelagius und seines Gegners Augustinus?"
Book Reviewed: G. Greshake, Gnade als konkrete Freiheit -- Eine
Untersuchung zur Gnadenlehre des Pelagius, Mainz:
Matthias-Gruenewald-Verlag, 1972
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 209-226
Emilien Lamirande
"A Significant Contribution to Our Understanding of St.
Augustine's Ecclesiology"
Book Reviewed: P. Borgomeo, L'Eglise de ce temps dans la prédication de
saint Augustin (Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1972, 437pp
Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 237-248
John J. O'Meara
"Augustine, de dialectica"
Book Reviewed: Augustine's De dialectica, translation, introduction and
notes by B. Darrell Jackson, Boston: D. Reidel, 1975
Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 207
John A. Mourant
"Augustine's Strategy as an Apologist"
Book Reviewed: E. TeSelle, Augustine's Strategy as an Apologist, Villanova:
Villanova University Press, 1974, 85pp [The 1973 Saint
Augustine Lecture]
Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 179-180
John E. Chisholm, C.S.Sp.
"Die handschriftliche Ueberlieferung der Werke des heiligen
Augustinus. Band V/1 Bundesrepublik Deutschland und
Westberlin Werkverzeichnis"
Book Reviewed: R. Kura, Die handschriftliche Ueberlieferung der Werke des
heiligen Augustinus. Vol. V/1: Bundesrepublik Deutschland
und Westberlin Werkverzeichnis, Vienna: Verlag der
Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1976, 520pp
Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 161-162
Adolar Zumkeller, O.S.A.
"Ein nuer Band der "Oeuvres de Sant Augustin""
Book Reviewed: Augustine, De nuptiis et concupiscentia and Contra duas
epistulas Pelagianorum, Bibliotheque Augustinienne 23, 1974
Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 109-111
Robert P. Russell, O.S.A.
"Art and the Christian Intelligence in St. Augustine"
Book Reviewed: R. J. O'Connell, SlJ., Art and the Christian Intelligence in
St. Augustine, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 1978,
Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 112-115
John J. Gavigan, O.S.A.
"Saint Augustine's Monasticism in the light of Acts 4,
Book Reviewed: Luc Verheijen, O.S.A., Saint Augustine's Monasticism in the
Light of Acts 4.32-35, Villanova: Villanova University
Press, 1979, 100p
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 229-230
Mary T. Clark, R.S.C.J.
"Joy in Augustine's Ethics by Vernon Bourke"
Book Reviewed: V. J. Bourke, Joy in Augustine's Ethics, Villanova:
Villanova University Press, 1979, 122pp
Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 230-232
Russell J. DeSimone, O.S.A.
"The Young Augustine"
Book Reviewed: John J. O'Meara, The Young Augustine. An Introduction to the
Confessions of St. Augustine, New York: Longman, 1980, 224pp
Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 173
Russell J. De Simone
"The Conversions of Saint Augustine"
Book Reviewed: L. C. Ferrari, The Convestions of Saint Augustine,
Villanova: Villanova University Press, 1986
Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 191-194
John M. Quinn, O.S.A.
"St. Augustine of Hippo: Life and Controversies"
Book Reviewed: G. Bonner, St. Augustine of Hippo: Life and Controversies,
Norwich: The Canterbury Press, 1986, 2nd edition, 430pp.
Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 202-206
John J. Gavigan
"Patrology, v. IV: The Golden Age of Latin Patristic
Book Reviewed: A. Di Berardino (ed.), Patrology: The Golden Age of Latin
Patristic Literature (325-451), (Tr. Placid Solari, O.S.B.)
Rome: Augustinian Patristic Institute, 1986, 667p
Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 207-217
Edward Booth, O.P.
"Die Stellung des Gottesbeweiss in Augustins `De Libero
Book Reviewed: W. M. Neumann, Die Stellung des Gottesbeweises in Augustins
'De libero arbitrio', Hildesheim: George Olms Verlag, 1986,
Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 218-224
John M. Quinn, O.S.A.
"Augustine, a translation by Henry Chadwick"
Book Reviewed: H. Chadwick, Augustine, New York: Oxford University Press,
1986, 122p
Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 195-198
John J. Gavigan, O.S.A.
"Augustine of Hippo and his Monastic Rule"
Book Reviewed: G. Lawless, O.S.A., Augustine of Hippo and His Monastic
Rule, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987, 185pp
Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 199-202
John M. Quinn, O.S.A.
"Imagination and Metaphysics in St. Augustine"
Book Reviewed: R. J. O'Connell, S.J., Imagination and Metaphysics in St.
Augustine, Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1986
Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 203-206
Frederick Van Fleteren
"Creation and Redemption"
Book Reviewed: G. Daly, O.S.A., Creation and Redemption, Wilmington, DE:
Michael Glazier, 1989
Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 207-211
John C. Cavadini
"The Perils of Planned Planlessness"
Book Reviewed: R. McMahon, Augustine's prayerful ascent: An Essay on the
Literary Form of the Confessions, Athens, GA: University of
Georgia Press, 1989, 175pp
Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 177-186
Eugene TeSelle
"The Works of Saint Augustine: Sermons"
Book Reviewed: The Works of Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century:
Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 187-196
Marianne Djuth
"Faustus of Riez's Treatise on Grace and Its Place in the
History of Theology"
Book Reviewed: T. A. Smith, De Gratia: Faustus of Riez's Treatise on Grace
and Its Place in the History of Theology, Notre Dame, IN:
University of Notre Dame Press, 1990, 254pp
Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 207-216
Roland J. Teske, S.J.
"From Augustine to Eriugena"
Book Reviewed: F. X. Martin and J. A. Richmond, eds., From Augustine to
Eriugena: Essays on Neoplatonism and Christianity in Honor
of John O'Meara, Washington, DC: The Catholic Univesity of
America Press, 1991, 190pp
Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 217-222
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J.
"Saint Augustine on Genesis"
Book Reviewed: R. J. Teske, S.J., tr. Saint Augustine on Genesis (The
Fathers of the Church, 84), Washington, DC: The Catholic
University of America Press, 1991, 198pp.
Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 223-230
Peter S. Hawkins
"Art and Emblem: Early 17th Century English Poetry of
Book Reviewed: Thomas Heffernan, Art and Emblem: Early Seventeenth-Century
English Poetry of Devotion (Renaissance Monographs 17)
Tokyo: The Renaissance Institute-Sofia Unversity, 1991,
Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 165-166
William Werpehowski
"The Ethics of St. Augustine"
Book Reviewed: W. S. Babcock, The Ethics of Augustine (JRE Studies in
Religious Ethics 3), Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1991
Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 167-174
Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J.
"The Origenist Controversy"
Book Reviewed: E. A. Clark, The Origenist Controversy: The Cultural
Construction of an Early Christian Debate, Princeton, NJ:
Princeton University Press, 1992, 287pp
Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 149-155
Brian E. Daley, S.J.
"A Noble Death"
Book Reviewed: A. J. Droge and J. D. Tabor,A Noble Death. Suicide and
Martrydom among Christians and Jews in Antiquity, San
Francisco: Harper, 1992, 203pp
Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 157-162
Mark Vessey
"Saint Augustine: Confessions"
Book Reviewed: Saint Augustine: Confessions, H. Chadwick, tr. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 1991; reissued in World's Classics
series, 1992, 311pp
Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 163-181
Lawrence S. Cunningham
"Pseudo-Dionysius: A Commentary"
Book Reviewed: P. Rorem, Pseudo-Dionysius: A Commentary on the Texts and an
Introduction to Their Influence, New York: Oxford University
Press, 1993, 237pp
Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 183-185
Jean Bethke Elshtain
"Augustine and the Limits of Virtue"
Book Reviewed: J. Wetzel, Augustine and the Limits of Virtue, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1992, 246pp
Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 187-194
Willemien Otten
"Platonism in Late Antiquity"
Book Reviewed: S. Gersh and C. Kannengiesser, eds., Platonism in Late
Antiquity, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press,
1992, 258pp
Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 195-197
Roland J. Teske, S.J.
"The Relationship Between Neoplatonism and Christianity"
Book Reviewed: T. Finan and V. Twomey, The Relationship between
Neoplatonism and Christianity, Dublin: Four Courts Press,
1992, 170pp
Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 199-204
Donald X. Burt, O.S.A.
"Memoria Mortuorum: Commemoration of the Departed in
Book Reviewed: H. Kotila, Memoria Mortuorum: Commemoration of the Departed
in Augustine (Studia Ephemeridis "Augustinianum" 38) Rome:
Institutum Patristicum "Augustiniamum", 1992
Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 205-210
Kenneth B. Steinhauser
"Manuscripta Augustiniana"
Book Reviewed: D. Weber, ed., Die handschriftliche Ueberlieferung der Werke
des heiligen Augustinus, v. VI/1 Oesterreich:
Werkverzeichnis and VI/2 Oesterreich: Verzeichnis nach
Bibliotheken, Vienna: Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften, 1993, 422pp
Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 145-150
Elizabeth A. Clark
"Pelagius: A Reluctant Heretic and The Letters of Pelagius
and His Followers"
Book Reviewed: B. R. Rees, Pelagius: A Reluctant Heritic and The Letters of
Pelagius and his Followers, Woodbridge, UK: The Boydell
Press, 1991
Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 151-154
Gerald W. Schlabach
"The Unity of Love for God and Neighbour in St. Augustine"
Book Reviewed: R. Canning, The Unity of Love for God and Neighbour in St.
Augustine, Heverlee, Belgium: Augustinian Historical
Institute, 1993, 446pp
Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 155-158
James J. O'Donnell
"The Trinity"
Book Reviewed: E. Hill, The Trinity. Introduction, translation, and notes
(The Works of Saint Augustine: A translation for the 21st
Century, J.E. Rotelle, ed., 1/5) Brooklyn: New City Press,
1991, 471pp
Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 159-162
Lewis Ayres
"Augustine, The Trinity and Modernity"
Book Reviewed: C. E. Gunton, The One, The Three and The Many, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1993, 248pp
Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 127-133
Robert Dodaro, O.S.A.
"Beauty and Revelation"
Book Reviewed: C. Harrison, Beauty and Revelation in the Thought of Saint
Augustine, Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1992, 289pp
Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 135-141
Marianne Djuth
"Plotinus or the Simplicity of Vision: Reviewing Chase and
Davidson: Reading Hadot Reading Plotinus"
Book Reviewed: P. Hadot, Plotinus or the The Simplicity of Vision, M.
Chase, tr., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993,
Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 143-154
Thomas F. Martin
"To Simplicianus"
Book Reviewed: T. G. Ring, O.S.A., An Simplicianus, zwei Buecher ueber
verschiedene Fragen, Wuerzburg: Augustinus-Verlag, 1991,
Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 155-159
Frederick Van Fleteren
Book Reviewed: J. M. Rist, Augustine: Ancient Thought Baptized, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1994, 334pp
Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 161-166
Frederick Van Fleteren
"The Descent of Being"
Book Reviewed: N. J. Torchia, Plotinus, Tolma, and the Descent of Being: An
Exposition and Analysis, New York: Peter Lang Publishing
Co., 1993, 170pp
Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 167-171
Eric Plumer
"A Pelagian Commentary"
Book Reviewed: T. de Bruyn, Pelagius's Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to
the Romans (Oxford Early Christian Studies), Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 1993, 236pp
Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 173-175
Carole Straw
"In Hora Mortis"
Book Reviewed: E. Rebillard, In Hora Mortis: Evolution de la pastorale
chretienne de la mort aux IVe et Ve siecles dans l'Occident
latin, Rome: Ecole francaise de Rome, 1994, 269pp
Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 181-186
Robert P. Kennedy
"Augustine's Quest of Wisdom: His Life, Thought and Works"
Book Reviewed: V. Bourke, Augustine's Quest of Widsom: His Life, Thought
and Works, Albany, NY: Magi Books, 1993
Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 187-190
J. Kevin Coyle
"Language and Love: Introducing Augustine's Religious
Thought Through the Confessions Story"
Book Reviewed: W. Mallard, Language and Love: Introducing Augustine's
Religious Thought Through the Confessions Story, University
Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994, 252pp
Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 191-192
Jean Porter
"Thought's Ego in Augustine and Descartes"
Book Reviewed: G. B. Matthews, Thought's Ego in Augustine and Descartes,
Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992, 217pp
Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 194-195
James J. O'Donnell
Book Reviewed: C. Mayer, Augustinus-Lexikon, v. 1, Basel: Schwabe & Co.
1986-1994, 1298pp
Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 135-139
James J. O'Donnell
"Corpus Augustinianum Gissense"
Book Reviewed: C. Mayer, Corpus Augustinianum Gissense CD-Rom, Basel:
Schwabe & Co, 1995
Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 140-146
Anthony J. Godzieba
"Theology and Social Theory"
Book Reviewed: J. Milbank, Theology and Social Theory: Beyond Secular
Reason, Oxford: Blackwell, 1990
Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 147-158
James Wetzel
"Paradoxes of Time in Saint Augustine"
Book Reviewed: R. J. Teske, S.J., Paradoxes of Time in Saint Augustine (The
Aquinas Lecture, 1996), Milwaukee: Mrquette University
Press, 1996
Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 159-163
David B. Burrell, C.S.C.
"Augustine and the Limits of Politics"
Book Reviewed: J. B. Elshtain, Augustine and the Limits of Politics, Notre
Dame, IN: Universityof Notre Dame Press, 1996, 143pp
Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 165-167
Kathryn L. Johnson
"Veiled Desire: Augustine on Women"
Book Reviewed: K. Power, Veiled Desire: Augustine on Women, New York:
Continuum, 1996, 328pp
Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 169-175
John Allyn Melloh
"Augustine and the Catechumenate"
Book Reviewed: W. Harmless, S.J., Augustine and the Catechumenate,
Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1995, 406pp
Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 177-179
Jeremy P.H. Williams
"Rome and the African Church in the Time of Augustine"
Book Reviewed: J. E. Merdinger, Rome and the African Church in the time of
Augustine, New Haven: Yale, 1997, 267pp
Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 181-183
Joseph Wawrykow
"Traditio Augustiniana"
Book Reviewed: A. Zumkeller and A. Kruemmel, eds., Traditio Augustiniana:
Studien ueber Augustinus und Seine Rezeption (Festgabe fuer
Willigis Eckermann, O.S.A.), Wuerzburg: Augustinus-Verlag,
1994, 597pp
Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 185-190
Charles Kannengiesser
"Tyconius crux interpretorum"
Book Reviewed: K. Pollmann, Doctrina Christiana: Untersuchungen zu den
Anfangen der christlichen Hermeneutik unter besondere
Beruecksichtigung von Augustinus, 'De doctrina christiana',
Freiburg: Universitatsverlag, 1996
Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 99-108
Basil Studer
"Augustinus und Tyconius im Licht der Patristichen Exegese"
Book Reviewed: K. Pollmann, Doctrina Christiana: Untersuchungen zu den
Anfangen der christlichen Hermeneutik unter besondere
Beruecksichtigung von Augustinus, 'De doctrina christiana',
Freiburg: Universitatsverlag, 1996
Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 109-117
Frederick Van Fleteren
"Toward an Understanding of Augustine's Hermeneutic"
Book Reviewed: K. Pollmann, Doctrina Christiana: Untersuchungen zu den
Anfangen der christlichen Hermeneutik unter besondere
Beruecksichtigung von Augustinus, 'De doctrina christiana',
Freiburg: Universitatsverlag, 1996
Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 118-130
Karla Pollman
"To write by advancing in knowledge and to advance by
Book Reviewed: K. Pollmann, Doctrina Christiana: Untersuchungen zu den
Anfangen der christlichen Hermeneutik unter besondere
Beruecksichtigung von Augustinus, 'De doctrina christiana',
Freiburg: Universitatsverlag, 1996
Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 131-137
Thomas F. Martin, O.S.A.
"Saint Augustine lecteur et interprete de saint Paul"
Book Reviewed: B. Delaroche, Saint Augustine lecteur et interprete de saint
Paul dans le "de peccatorum meritis et remissione" (hiver
411-412), Paris: Institut d'Etudes Augustiniennes, 1996,
Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 138-143
James K. A. Smith
"Love and Saint Augustine"
Book Reviewed: H. Arendt, Love and Saint Augustine, tr. J. V. Scott and J.
C. Stark, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996, 233pp
Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 144-150
Allan Fitzgerald, O.S.A.
""Creatio," "Conversio," "Formatio" chez S. Augustin"
Book Reviewed: M.-A. Vannier, "Creatio," "Conversio," "Formatio" chez s.
Augustin (Paradosis 31), Editions Universitaires Fribourg
Suisse, 1997, 252pp
Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 151-154
Leo C. Ferrari
"Understanding Augustine"
Book Reviewed: J. J. O'Meara, Understanding Augustine, Portland, OR: Four
Courts Press, 1997, 165pp
Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 155-165
Frederick Van Fleteren
"L'ordre. Bibliotheque Augustinienne 4/2"
Book Reviewed: L'ordre, Oeuvres de Saint Augustin. Dialogues
Philosophiques. Bibliotheque Augustinienne, 4/2, Paris:
Institut d'Etudes Augustiniennes, 1997
Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 166-168
George Lawless, O.S.A.
"John Cassian: The Conferences"
Book Reviewed: B. Ramsey, tr., Jean Cassian: The Conferences (Ancient
Christian Writers 57), New York: Paulist Press, 1997
Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 119-128
Frederick Van Fleteren
"Nec Timeo Mori"
Book Reviewed: L. Pizzolato and M. Rizzi, eds., Nec Timeo Mori: Atti del
Congresso internazionale di studi ambrosiani nel XVI
centenario della morte di sant'Ambrogio, Studia Patristica
21, Milan: Vita Pensiero, 884pp
Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 129-131
Frederick Van Fleteren
"Gott in der Zeit beruhren"
Book Reviewed: K. Kienzler, Gott in der Zeit beruhren. Eine Auslegung der
Confessiones des Augustinus, Wuerzburg: Echter, 1998
Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 132-135