Book Reviews 1970 to 2000
Author | Title | Book Reviewed | Issue and Page |
Mary T. Clark, R.S.C.J. | "The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Medieval Philosophy" | A. H. Armstrong, The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Medieval Philosophy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1967 | Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 197-222 |
V.D. Connerty | "Augustine and the Latin Classics." | H. Hagendahl, Augustine and the Latin Classics, Goeteborg: Elanders Boktagekor Aktiebolag, 1967, 796pp | Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 223-235 |
Rudolph Eugen Arbesmann, O.S.A. | "The Question of the 'Regula Sancti Augustini'" | L. Verheijen, La R<138>gle de Saint Augustin, 2v, Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1967 | Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 237-261 |
John J. O'Meara | "Understanding of the Mysticisam of St. Augustine and His Doctrine on the Trinity" | O. du Roy, L'Intelligence de la Foi en la Trinit<130> selon Saint Augustin, Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1966 and A. Mandouze, Saint Augustin: L'Aventure de la Raison et de la Gr<131>ce, Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1968 | Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 263-276 |
Vernon J. Bourke | "Perler's Contribution to Augustine Biography" | O. Perler, Les Voyages de Saint Augustin, Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1969, 564pp | Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 219-229 |
Gerald Bonner | "Quid imperatori cum ecclesia? St. Augustine on History and Society" | R. Markus, Saeculum: History and Society in the Theology of St. Augustine, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1970 | Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 231-251 |
Ernest L. Fortin | "Reflections on the Proper Way to Read Augustine the Theologian" | E. TeSelle, Augustine the Theologian, New York: Herder & Herder, 1970 | Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 253-272 |
Frederick Van Fleteren | "Erasmus and Augustine: A Comment on a Recent Work" | C. B<130>n<130>, Erasme et saint Augustin, Geneva: Droz, 1969 | Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 191-203 |
Eugene Kevane | "Professor Howie on Augustine and Education" | G. Howie, Educational Theory and Practice in St. Augustine, London: Routledge and Kegan paul, 1969 | Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 205-215 |
Ernest L. Fortin | "The Patristic Sense of Community" | Jeremy Duquesnoy, The Populus of Augustine and Jerome: A Study in the Patristic Sense of Community, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1971 | Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 179-197 |
John J. O'Meara | "The Conditions of Controversy" | Fran<135>ois Decret, Aspects du Manich<130>isme dans l'Afrique Romaine, Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1970 | Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 199-204 |
Vernon J. Bourke | "Socio-Religous Issues in Augustine's Day" | P. Brown, Religion and Society in the Age of Saint Augustine, London: Faber and Faber, 1972 | Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 205-212 |
Adolar Zumkeller, O.S.A. | "Neuinterpretation oder Verzeichnung der Gnadenlehre des Pelagius und seines Gegners Augustinus?" | G. Greshake, Gnade als konkrete Freiheit -- Eine Untersuchung zur Gnadenlehre des Pelagius, Mainz: Matthias-Gruenewald-Verlag, 1972 | Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 209-226 |
Emilien Lamirande | "A Significant Contribution to Our Understanding of St. Augustine's Ecclesiology" | P. Borgomeo, L'Eglise de ce temps dans la pr<130>dication de saint Augustin (Paris: Etudes Augustiniennes, 1972, 437pp | Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 237-248 |
John J. O'Meara | "Augustine, de dialectica" | Augustine's De dialectica, translation, introduction and notes by B. Darrell Jackson, Boston: D. Reidel, 1975 | Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 207 |
John A. Mourant | "Augustine's Strategy as an Apologist" | E. TeSelle, Augustine's Strategy as an Apologist, Villanova: Villanova University Press, 1974, 85pp [The 1973 Saint Augustine Lecture] | Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 179-180 |
John E. Chisholm, C.S.Sp. | "Die handschriftliche Ueberlieferung der Werke des heiligen Augustinus. Band V/1 Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Westberlin Werkverzeichnis" | R. Kura, Die handschriftliche Ueberlieferung der Werke des heiligen Augustinus. Vol. V/1: Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Westberlin Werkverzeichnis, Vienna: Verlag der Osterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1976, 520pp | Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 161-162 |
Adolar Zumkeller, O.S.A. | "Ein nuer Band der "Oeuvres de Sant Augustin"" | Augustine, De nuptiis et concupiscentia and Contra duas epistulas Pelagianorum, Bibliotheque Augustinienne 23, 1974 | Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 109-111 |
Robert P. Russell, O.S.A. | "Art and the Christian Intelligence in St. Augustine" | R. J. O'Connell, SlJ., Art and the Christian Intelligence in St. Augustine, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press 1978, 251pp | Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 112-115 |
John J. Gavigan, O.S.A. | "Saint Augustine's Monasticism in the light of Acts 4, 32-35" | Luc Verheijen, O.S.A., Saint Augustine's Monasticism in the Light of Acts 4.32-35, Villanova: Villanova University Press, 1979, 100p | Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 229-230 |
Mary T. Clark, R.S.C.J. | "Joy in Augustine's Ethics by Vernon Bourke" | V. J. Bourke, Joy in Augustine's Ethics, Villanova: Villanova University Press, 1979, 122pp | Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 230-232 |
Russell J. DeSimone, O.S.A. | "The Young Augustine" | John J. O'Meara, The Young Augustine. An Introduction to the Confessions of St. Augustine, New York: Longman, 1980, 224pp | Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 173 |
Russell J. De Simone | "The Conversions of Saint Augustine" | L. C. Ferrari, The Convestions of Saint Augustine, Villanova: Villanova University Press, 1986 | Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 191-194 |
John M. Quinn, O.S.A. | "St. Augustine of Hippo: Life and Controversies" | G. Bonner, St. Augustine of Hippo: Life and Controversies, Norwich: The Canterbury Press, 1986, 2nd edition, 430pp. | Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 202-206 |
John J. Gavigan | "Patrology, v. IV: The Golden Age of Latin Patristic Literature" | A. Di Berardino (ed.), Patrology: The Golden Age of Latin Patristic Literature (325-451), (Tr. Placid Solari, O.S.B.) Rome: Augustinian Patristic Institute, 1986, 667p | Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 207-217 |
Edward Booth, O.P. | "Die Stellung des Gottesbeweiss in Augustins `De Libero arbitrio'" | W. M. Neumann, Die Stellung des Gottesbeweises in Augustins 'De libero arbitrio', Hildesheim: George Olms Verlag, 1986, 145pp | Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 218-224 |
John M. Quinn, O.S.A. | "Augustine, a translation by Henry Chadwick" | H. Chadwick, Augustine, New York: Oxford University Press, 1986, 122p | Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 195-198 |
John J. Gavigan, O.S.A. | "Augustine of Hippo and his Monastic Rule" | G. Lawless, O.S.A., Augustine of Hippo and His Monastic Rule, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1987, 185pp | Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 199-202 |
John M. Quinn, O.S.A. | "Imagination and Metaphysics in St. Augustine" | R. J. O'Connell, S.J., Imagination and Metaphysics in St. Augustine, Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 1986 | Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 203-206 |
Frederick Van Fleteren | "Creation and Redemption" | G. Daly, O.S.A., Creation and Redemption, Wilmington, DE: Michael Glazier, 1989 | Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 207-211 |
John C. Cavadini | "The Perils of Planned Planlessness" | R. McMahon, Augustine's prayerful ascent: An Essay on the Literary Form of the Confessions, Athens, GA: University of Georgia Press, 1989, 175pp | Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 177-186 |
Eugene TeSelle | "The Works of Saint Augustine: Sermons" | The Works of Augustine: A Translation for the 21st Century: Sermons | Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 187-196 |
Marianne Djuth | "Faustus of Riez's Treatise on Grace and Its Place in the History of Theology" | T. A. Smith, De Gratia: Faustus of Riez's Treatise on Grace and Its Place in the History of Theology, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1990, 254pp | Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 207-216 |
Roland J. Teske, S.J. | "From Augustine to Eriugena" | F. X. Martin and J. A. Richmond, eds., From Augustine to Eriugena: Essays on Neoplatonism and Christianity in Honor of John O'Meara, Washington, DC: The Catholic Univesity of America Press, 1991, 190pp | Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 217-222 |
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J. | "Saint Augustine on Genesis" | R. J. Teske, S.J., tr. Saint Augustine on Genesis (The Fathers of the Church, 84), Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1991, 198pp. | Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 223-230 |
Peter S. Hawkins | "Art and Emblem: Early 17th Century English Poetry of Devotion" | Thomas Heffernan, Art and Emblem: Early Seventeenth-Century English Poetry of Devotion (Renaissance Monographs 17) Tokyo: The Renaissance Institute-Sofia Unversity, 1991, 123pp | Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 165-166 |
William Werpehowski | "The Ethics of St. Augustine" | W. S. Babcock, The Ethics of Augustine (JRE Studies in Religious Ethics 3), Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1991 | Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 167-174 |
Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J. | "The Origenist Controversy" | E. A. Clark, The Origenist Controversy: The Cultural Construction of an Early Christian Debate, Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992, 287pp | Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 149-155 |
Brian E. Daley, S.J. | "A Noble Death" | A. J. Droge and J. D. Tabor,A Noble Death. Suicide and Martrydom among Christians and Jews in Antiquity, San Francisco: Harper, 1992, 203pp | Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 157-162 |
Mark Vessey | "Saint Augustine: Confessions" | Saint Augustine: Confessions, H. Chadwick, tr. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991; reissued in World's Classics series, 1992, 311pp | Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 163-181 |
Lawrence S. Cunningham | "Pseudo-Dionysius: A Commentary" | P. Rorem, Pseudo-Dionysius: A Commentary on the Texts and an Introduction to Their Influence, New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, 237pp | Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 183-185 |
Jean Bethke Elshtain | "Augustine and the Limits of Virtue" | J. Wetzel, Augustine and the Limits of Virtue, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992, 246pp | Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 187-194 |
Willemien Otten | "Platonism in Late Antiquity" | S. Gersh and C. Kannengiesser, eds., Platonism in Late Antiquity, Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1992, 258pp | Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 195-197 |
Roland J. Teske, S.J. | "The Relationship Between Neoplatonism and Christianity" | T. Finan and V. Twomey, The Relationship between Neoplatonism and Christianity, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 1992, 170pp | Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 199-204 |
Donald X. Burt, O.S.A. | "Memoria Mortuorum: Commemoration of the Departed in Augustine" | H. Kotila, Memoria Mortuorum: Commemoration of the Departed in Augustine (Studia Ephemeridis "Augustinianum" 38) Rome: Institutum Patristicum "Augustiniamum", 1992 | Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 205-210 |
Kenneth B. Steinhauser | "Manuscripta Augustiniana" | D. Weber, ed., Die handschriftliche Ueberlieferung der Werke des heiligen Augustinus, v. VI/1 Oesterreich: Werkverzeichnis and VI/2 Oesterreich: Verzeichnis nach Bibliotheken, Vienna: Verlag der Oesterreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1993, 422pp | Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 145-150 |
Elizabeth A. Clark | "Pelagius: A Reluctant Heretic and The Letters of Pelagius and His Followers" | B. R. Rees, Pelagius: A Reluctant Heritic and The Letters of Pelagius and his Followers, Woodbridge, UK: The Boydell Press, 1991 | Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 151-154 |
Gerald W. Schlabach | "The Unity of Love for God and Neighbour in St. Augustine" | R. Canning, The Unity of Love for God and Neighbour in St. Augustine, Heverlee, Belgium: Augustinian Historical Institute, 1993, 446pp | Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 155-158 |
James J. O'Donnell | "The Trinity" | E. Hill, The Trinity. Introduction, translation, and notes (The Works of Saint Augustine: A translation for the 21st Century, J.E. Rotelle, ed., 1/5) Brooklyn: New City Press, 1991, 471pp | Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 159-162 |
Lewis Ayres | "Augustine, The Trinity and Modernity" | C. E. Gunton, The One, The Three and The Many, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993, 248pp | Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 127-133 |
Robert Dodaro, O.S.A. | "Beauty and Revelation" | C. Harrison, Beauty and Revelation in the Thought of Saint Augustine, Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1992, 289pp | Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 135-141 |
Marianne Djuth | "Plotinus or the Simplicity of Vision: Reviewing Chase and Davidson: Reading Hadot Reading Plotinus" | P. Hadot, Plotinus or the The Simplicity of Vision, M. Chase, tr., Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993, 138pp | Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 143-154 |
Thomas F. Martin | "To Simplicianus" | T. G. Ring, O.S.A., An Simplicianus, zwei Buecher ueber verschiedene Fragen, Wuerzburg: Augustinus-Verlag, 1991, 399pp | Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 155-159 |
Frederick Van Fleteren | "Augustine" | J. M. Rist, Augustine: Ancient Thought Baptized, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, 334pp | Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 161-166 |
Frederick Van Fleteren | "The Descent of Being" | N. J. Torchia, Plotinus, Tolma, and the Descent of Being: An Exposition and Analysis, New York: Peter Lang Publishing Co., 1993, 170pp | Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 167-171 |
Eric Plumer | "A Pelagian Commentary" | T. de Bruyn, Pelagius's Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans (Oxford Early Christian Studies), Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993, 236pp | Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 173-175 |
Carole Straw | "In Hora Mortis" | E. Rebillard, In Hora Mortis: Evolution de la pastorale chretienne de la mort aux IVe et Ve siecles dans l'Occident latin, Rome: Ecole francaise de Rome, 1994, 269pp | Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 181-186 |
Robert P. Kennedy | "Augustine's Quest of Wisdom: His Life, Thought and Works" | V. Bourke, Augustine's Quest of Widsom: His Life, Thought and Works, Albany, NY: Magi Books, 1993 | Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 187-190 |
J. Kevin Coyle | "Language and Love: Introducing Augustine's Religious Thought Through the Confessions Story" | W. Mallard, Language and Love: Introducing Augustine's Religious Thought Through the Confessions Story, University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1994, 252pp | Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 191-192 |
Jean Porter | "Thought's Ego in Augustine and Descartes" | G. B. Matthews, Thought's Ego in Augustine and Descartes, Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1992, 217pp | Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 194-195 |
James J. O'Donnell | "Augustinus-Lexikon" | C. Mayer, Augustinus-Lexikon, v. 1, Basel: Schwabe & Co. 1986-1994, 1298pp | Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 135-139 |
James J. O'Donnell | "Corpus Augustinianum Gissense" | C. Mayer, Corpus Augustinianum Gissense CD-Rom, Basel: Schwabe & Co, 1995 | Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 140-146 |
Anthony J. Godzieba | "Theology and Social Theory" | J. Milbank, Theology and Social Theory: Beyond Secular Reason, Oxford: Blackwell, 1990 | Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 147-158 |
James Wetzel | "Paradoxes of Time in Saint Augustine" | R. J. Teske, S.J., Paradoxes of Time in Saint Augustine (The Aquinas Lecture, 1996), Milwaukee: Mrquette University Press, 1996 | Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 159-163 |
David B. Burrell, C.S.C. | "Augustine and the Limits of Politics" | J. B. Elshtain, Augustine and the Limits of Politics, Notre Dame, IN: Universityof Notre Dame Press, 1996, 143pp | Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 165-167 |
Kathryn L. Johnson | "Veiled Desire: Augustine on Women" | K. Power, Veiled Desire: Augustine on Women, New York: Continuum, 1996, 328pp | Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 169-175 |
John Allyn Melloh | "Augustine and the Catechumenate" | W. Harmless, S.J., Augustine and the Catechumenate, Collegeville: Liturgical Press, 1995, 406pp | Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 177-179 |
Jeremy P.H. Williams | "Rome and the African Church in the Time of Augustine" | J. E. Merdinger, Rome and the African Church in the time of Augustine, New Haven: Yale, 1997, 267pp | Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 181-183 |
Joseph Wawrykow | "Traditio Augustiniana" | A. Zumkeller and A. Kruemmel, eds., Traditio Augustiniana: Studien ueber Augustinus und Seine Rezeption (Festgabe fuer Willigis Eckermann, O.S.A.), Wuerzburg: Augustinus-Verlag, 1994, 597pp | Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 185-190 |
Charles Kannengiesser | "Tyconius crux interpretorum" | K. Pollmann, Doctrina Christiana: Untersuchungen zu den Anfangen der christlichen Hermeneutik unter besondere Beruecksichtigung von Augustinus, 'De doctrina christiana', Freiburg: Universitatsverlag, 1996 | Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 99-108 |
Basil Studer | "Augustinus und Tyconius im Licht der Patristichen Exegese" | K. Pollmann, Doctrina Christiana: Untersuchungen zu den Anfangen der christlichen Hermeneutik unter besondere Beruecksichtigung von Augustinus, 'De doctrina christiana', Freiburg: Universitatsverlag, 1996 | Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 109-117 |
Frederick Van Fleteren | "Toward an Understanding of Augustine's Hermeneutic" | K. Pollmann, Doctrina Christiana: Untersuchungen zu den Anfangen der christlichen Hermeneutik unter besondere Beruecksichtigung von Augustinus, 'De doctrina christiana', Freiburg: Universitatsverlag, 1996 | Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 118-130 |
Karla Pollman | "To write by advancing in knowledge and to advance by writing" | K. Pollmann, Doctrina Christiana: Untersuchungen zu den Anfangen der christlichen Hermeneutik unter besondere Beruecksichtigung von Augustinus, 'De doctrina christiana', Freiburg: Universitatsverlag, 1996 | Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 131-137 |
Thomas F. Martin, O.S.A. | "Saint Augustine lecteur et interprete de saint Paul" | B. Delaroche, Saint Augustine lecteur et interprete de saint Paul dans le "de peccatorum meritis et remissione" (hiver 411-412), Paris: Institut d'Etudes Augustiniennes, 1996, 408pp | Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 138-143 |
James K. A. Smith | "Love and Saint Augustine" | H. Arendt, Love and Saint Augustine, tr. J. V. Scott and J. C. Stark, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996, 233pp | Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 144-150 |
Allan Fitzgerald, O.S.A. | ""Creatio," "Conversio," "Formatio" chez S. Augustin" | M.-A. Vannier, "Creatio," "Conversio," "Formatio" chez s. Augustin (Paradosis 31), Editions Universitaires Fribourg Suisse, 1997, 252pp | Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 151-154 |
Leo C. Ferrari | "Understanding Augustine" | J. J. O'Meara, Understanding Augustine, Portland, OR: Four Courts Press, 1997, 165pp | Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 155-165 |
Frederick Van Fleteren | "L'ordre. Bibliotheque Augustinienne 4/2" | L'ordre, Oeuvres de Saint Augustin. Dialogues Philosophiques. Bibliotheque Augustinienne, 4/2, Paris: Institut d'Etudes Augustiniennes, 1997 | Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 166-168 |
George Lawless, O.S.A. | "John Cassian: The Conferences" | B. Ramsey, tr., Jean Cassian: The Conferences (Ancient Christian Writers 57), New York: Paulist Press, 1997 | Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 119-128 |
Frederick Van Fleteren | "Nec Timeo Mori" | L. Pizzolato and M. Rizzi, eds., Nec Timeo Mori: Atti del Congresso internazionale di studi ambrosiani nel XVI centenario della morte di sant'Ambrogio, Studia Patristica 21, Milan: Vita Pensiero, 884pp | Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 129-131 |
Frederick Van Fleteren | "Gott in der Zeit beruhren" | K. Kienzler, Gott in der Zeit beruhren. Eine Auslegung der Confessiones des Augustinus, Wuerzburg: Echter, 1998 | Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 132-135 |