Articles 1970 to 2000

Author Title Issue and Pages
Vernon J. Bourke "Voluntarism in Augustine's Ethic-Legal Thought" Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 3-17
Caroline E. Schuetzinger "Franz Koerner's Existantial Interpretation of the Young Augustine" Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 19-29
Gerald Bonner "Rufinus of Syria and African Pelagianism" Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 31-47
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J. "De libero arbitrio' I: Stoicism Revisited" Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 49-68
John A. Mourant "The Emergence of a Christian Philosophy in the Dialogues of Augustine" Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 69-88
Robert E. Buckenmeyer "The Meaning of Judicium and Its Relation to Illumination in the Philosophical Dialogues of Augustine" Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 89-132
Ernest L. Fortin "The Political Implications of St. Augustine's Theory of Conscience" Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 133-152
Eugene Kevane "Paideia and Anti-Paideia: The 'Prooemium' of St. Augustine's 'De Doctrina Christiana'" Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 153-180
Theodore J. Kondoleon "Divine Exemplarism in Augustine" Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 181-195
John J. O'Meara "Studies preparatory to an Understanding of the Mysticism of St. Augustine and his Doctrine of the Trinity" Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 263-276
John J. O'Meara "Research Techniques in Augustinian Studies" Augustinian Studies 1 (1970): 277-284
John Thomas Newton, Jr. "The Importance of Augustine's Use of the Neoplatonic Doctrine of Hypostatic Union for the Development of Christology" Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 1-16
Luc Melchior Verheijen "The Straw, the Beam, The Tusculan Disputations and The Rule of Saint Augustine. On a Surprising Augustinian Exegesis" Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 17-36
John C. Cooper "Why Did Augustine Write Books XI-XIII of The Confessions?" Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 37-46
Ronald H. Nash "Some Philosophic Sources of Augustine's Illumination Theory" Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 47-66
Edmund Hill, O.P. "Karl Rahner's 'Remarks on the Dogmatic Treatise De Trinitate and St. Augustine'" Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 67-80
John F. Monagle "Friendship in St. Augustine's Biography. Classical Notion of Friendship" Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 81-92
Leo Charles Ferrari "Symbols of Sinfulness in Bock II of Augustine's 'Confessions'" Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 93-104
Michele Federico Sciacca "Riflessioni sull'Enchiridion di Sant'Agostino" Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 105-113
Franz Roemer "A Late Mediaeval Collection of Epistles Ascribed to Saint Augustine" Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 115-144
Fritz-Joachim von Rintelen "Augustine: The Ascent in Value Towards God" Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 155-178
Werner Beierwaltes "Zu Augustins Metaphysik der Sprache" Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 179-195
Robert E. Buckenmeyer "Augustine and the Life of Man's Body in the Early Dialogues. The Problem and a Question" Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 197-211
John A. Mourant "Remarks on the De Immortalitate Animae" Augustinian Studies 2 (1971): 213-217
Edmund Hill, O.P. "The 'De Trinitate': Annotations on the text of the latest edition, in 'Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina L' (Turnhout, 1968)" Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 1-14
Charles Boyer, S.J. "Jean Calvin et saint Augustin" Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 15-34
A. Hilary Armstrong "Neoplatonic Valuations of Nature, Body and Intellect" Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 35-59
Eugene TeSelle "Rufinus the Syrian, Caelestius, Pelagius: Explorations in the Prehistory of the Pelagian Controversy" Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 61-95
Emilien Lamirande "Augustine and the discussion on the sinners in the church at the conference of Carthage (411)" Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 97-112
Peter J. Riga "Created Grace in St. Augustine" Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 113-130
Robert E. Buckenmeyer "Augustine and the Life of Man's Body in the Early Dialogues" Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 131-146
Franz Roemer "A Late Mediaeval collection of Epistles Ascribed to St. Augustine, Part II" Augustinian Studies 3 (1972): 147-189
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J. "Augustine's Rejection of the Fall of the Soul" Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 1-32
Frederick Van Fleteren "Authority and Reason, Faith and Understanding in the Thought of St. Augustine" Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 33-71
D. J. MacQueen "The Origin and Dynamics of Society and the State" Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 73-101
John A. Mourant "Augustine on Miracles" Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 103-127
Wiebke Schrader "Zu Augustinus ontologischer Aporie der Zeit. Zwei Interpretationen" Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 129-139
Jos<130> Moran, O.S.A. "El Dios personal de la invocación en las 'Confesiones' de San Agust<141>n" Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 141-157
Wilma Gundersdorf von Jess "Augustine at Ostia: A Disputed Question" Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 159-174
John A. Mourant "A Reply to Dr. von Jess (Augustine at Ostia, pp. 159-174)" Augustinian Studies 4 (1973): 175-177
Leo Charles Ferrari "The Boyhood Beatings of Augustine" Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 1-14
T. A. Burkill "St. Augustine's Notion of Nothingness in the Light of Some Recent Cosmological Speculation" Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 15-17
Barbara Beyenba, O.P. "The Names of St. Ambrose in the Works of St. Augustine" Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 19-26
Frederick Van Fleteren "Augustine's Ascent of the Soul in Book VII of the Confessions: A Reconsideration" Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 29-72
Allen Caraniss "Two Notes on Augustine, Charlemagne, and Romance" Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 73-84
Ernest L. Fortin "Augustine and the Problem of Christian Rhetoric" Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 85-100
Donald V. Morano "Augustine's linguistic success in 'De quantitate animae'" Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 101-111
Eugene TeSelle "Porphyry and Augustine" Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 113-147
Mary T. Clark, R.S.C.J. "The Psychology of Marius Victorinus" Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 149-166
Alberto Pincherle "Interno alla Genesi delle 'Confessioni' di s. Agostino" Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 167-176
Pasquale Borgomeo, S.J. "Il Sermone CXXVI di Sant'Agostino, escampio di iniziazione alla fede" Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 177-195
William M. Alexander "Sex and Philosophy in Augustine" Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 197-208
Adolar Zumkeller, O.S.A. "Neuinterpretation oder Verzeichnung der Gnadenlehre des Pelagius und seines Gegners Augustinus?" Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 209-226
Gerard J.P. O'Daly "Did St. Augustine Ever Believe in the Souls's Pre-Existence?" Augustinian Studies 5 (1974): 227-235
Ralph Flores "Reading and Speech in St. Augustine's Confessions" Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 1-13
Colin Starnes "Saint Augustine on Infancy and Childhood: Commentary on the first Book of Augustine's Confessions" Augustinian Studies 6 (1976): 15-43
Louis G. Kelly "Saint Augustine and Saussurean Linguistics" Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 45-64
Vernon J. Bourke "Augustine and the Roots of Moral Values" Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 65-74
Wilma Gundersdorf von Jess "Divine Eternity in the Doctrine of St. Augustine" Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 75-96
Peter S. Hawkins "Polemical Counterpoint in 'De Civitate Dei'" Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 97-106
Mary J. Sirridge "St. Augustine and 'The Deputy Theory'" Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 107-116
Penelope D. Johnson "Virtus: Transition from Classical Latin to the 'De Civitate Dei'" Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 117-124
Maurice L<130>veill<130> "Don de l'Esprit et bapt<136>me. R<130>flexions en marge d'une pr<130>dication augustinienne" Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 125-151
Eugene TeSelle "Regio Dissimilitudinis' in the Christian Tradition and its Context in Late Greek Philosophy" Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 153-179
Bruce S. Bubacz "Augustine's Account of Factual Memory" Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 181-192
Leo Charles Ferrari "Monica on the Wooden Ruler (Conf. 3.11.19)" Augustinian Studies 6 (1975): 193-205
Maurice L<130>veill<130> "Don de l'Esprit et bapt<136>me. R<130>flexions en marge d'une pr<130>dication augustinienne" Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 1-46
Leo Charles Ferrari "Christus Via' in Augustine's Confession" Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 47-58
Robert P. Russell, O.S.A. "Cicero's Hortensius and the Problem of Riches in Saint Augustine" Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 59-68
Joseph Fitzer "The Augustinian Roots of Calvin's Eucharistic Thought" Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 69-98
Jos<130> Oroz Reta, O.A.R. "Pri<138>re et recherche de Dieu dans les Confessions de saint Augustin" Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 99-118
Alberto Pincherle "The Confessions of St. Augustine: A Reappraisal" Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 119-133
Patricia Wilson-Kastner "Grace as Participation in the Divine Life in the Theology of Augustine of Hippo" Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 135-152
Donald A. Cress "Hierius and St. Augustine's Account of the Lost 'De pulchro et apto': Confessions IV, 13-15" Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 153-163
Eugene TeSelle "Some Reflections on Augustine's Use of Scripture" Augustinian Studies 7 (1976): 165-178
Ann K. Clark "Unity and Method in Augustine's 'De Magistro'" Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 1-10
Terry L. Miethe "St. Augustine and Sense Knowledge" Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 11-19
Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J. "The Earliest 'Florilegia' of Augustine" Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 21-31
Donald E. Daniels "The Argument of the 'De Trinitate' and Augustines Theory of Signs" Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 33-54
Leo Charles Ferrari "The Barren Field in Augustine's 'Confessions'" Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 55-70
John E. Wrigley "Petrarch, Saint Augustine and the Augustinians" Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 71-89
Charles W. Brockwell, Jr. "Augustine's Ideal of Monastic Community: A Paradigm for His Doctrine of the Church" Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 91-109
Dorothy F. Donnelly "The 'City of God' and Utopia: Revaluation" Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 111-123
Brook Manville "Donatism and St. Augustine: The Confessions of a Fourth Century Bishop" Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 125-137
Joseph F. Kelly "Augustine in Hiberno-Latin Literature" Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 139-149
David DeCelles "Divine Prescience and Human Freedom in Augustine" Augustinian Studies 8 (1977): 151-160
Leo Charles Ferrari "The 'Food of Truth' in Augustine's 'Confessions'" Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 1-14
Marcia L. Colish "St. Augustine's Rhetoric of Silence revisited" Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 15-24
David E. Zoolalian "Augustine and Wittgenstein. Some Remarks on the Necessity of a Private Language" Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 25-33
Bruce S. Bubacz "St. Augustine's 'Si fallor, sum'" Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 35-44
William J. O'Brien "The Liturgical Form of Augustine's Conversion Narrative and its Theological Significance" Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 45-58
Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott "Influence or Manipulation? The Role of Augustinianism in the Defensor Pacis of Marsiglio of Padua" Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 59-79
Richard Penaskovic "Saint Augustine's Confessions and Newman's Apologia: Similarities and Differences" Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 81-91
Lawrence D. Roberts "Augustine's Version of the Ontological Argument and Platonism" Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 93-101
Vernon J. Bourke "Lamirande on Augustine and Tolerance" Augustinian Studies 9 (1978): 103-108
Leo Charles Ferrari "The Dreams of Monica in Augustine's 'Confessions'" Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 3-17
Larry L. Bronson "St. Augustine and Marlowe's 'Dr. Faustus'" Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 19-26
John A. Mourant "The 'Cogitos': Augustinian and Cartesian" Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 27-42
J. Patout Burns "The Interpretation of Romans in the Pelagian Controversy" Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 43-54
William S. Babcock "Augustine's Interpretation of Romans (A.D. 394-396" Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 55-74
James J. O'Donnell "The Inspiration for Augustine's 'De Civitate Dei'" Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 75-79
James Dougherty "The Sacred City and the City of God" Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 81-90
John P. Maher, O.S.A. "Saint Augustine and Manichaean Cosmogony" Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 91-104
Thomas Renna "The Idea of Peace in the Augustinian Tradition 400-1200" Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 105-111
Joanne McWilliam Dewart "The Influence of Theodore of Mopsuestia on Augustine's 'Letter 187'" Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 113-132
Joseph M. Murphy "The 'Contra Hilarium' of Augustine. Its Liturgical and Musical Implications" Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 133-143
Russell J. De Simone "Mystery of Communion. St. Augustine on the Church" Augustinian Studies 10 (1979): 145-188
Leo Charles Ferrari "Paul at the Conversion of Augustine (Conf. 8.12.29-30" Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 5-20
John J. O'Meara "Eriugena's Use of Augustine" Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 21-34
Bruce S. Bubacz "Augustine's Illumination Theory and Epistemic Structuring" Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 35-48
Peter Iver Kaufmann "The Lesson of Conversion: A Note on the Question of Continuity in Augustine's Understanding of Grace and Human Will" Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 49-64
Joseph W. Koterski "St. Augustine on the Moral Law" Augustinian Studies 11 (1981): 65-77
Paul G. Kuntz "Augustine: From Homo Erro to Homo Viator" Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 79-89
Terry L. Miethe "Natural Law, the Synderesis Rule, and St. Augustine" Augustinian Studies 11 (1981): 91-97
Gerald A. Press "A Subject and Structure of Augustine's De Doctrina Christiana" Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 99-124
Daniel A. Dombrowski "Starnes on Augustine's Theory of Infancy: A Piagetian Critique" Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 125-133
George J. Lavere "The Political Realism of Saint Augustine" Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 135-144
Laurie Scott "The Spirit and the Letter: St. Augustine and Pascal" Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 145-153
Ronald S. Cole-Turner "Anti-Heretical Issues and the Debate over Galatians 2: 11-14 in the Letters of St. Augustine to St. Jerome" Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 155-166
Richard Penaskovic "An Analysis of St. Augustine's 'De Immortalitate Animae'" Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 167-176
Mark D. Jordan "Words and Word: Incarnation and Signification in Augustine's 'De Doctrina Christiana'" Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 177-196
Thomas Renna "Augustinian Autobiography: Medival and Modern" Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 197-203
Russell J. De Simone "Modern Research on the Sources of Saint Augustine's Doctrine of Original Sin" Augustinian Studies 11 (1980): 205-227
George J. Lavere "The Influence of Saint Augustine on Early Medieval Political Theory" Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 1-9
John C. Cavadini "Alcuin and Augustine: 'De Trinitate'" Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 11-18
Jos<130> Oroz Reta, O.A.R. "Une pol<130>mique augustinienne contre Cic<130>ron: Du fatalisme <133> la pr<130>science divine" Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 19-42
L. Johan Van der Lof "The Threefold Meaning of 'Servi Dei' in the Writings of Saint Augustine" Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 43-59
J. Roland E. Ramirez "Demythologizing Augustine As Great Sinner" Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 61-88
David L. Mosher "The Argument of St. Augustine's 'Contra Academicos'" Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 89-113
F. Ellen Weaver and Jean Laporte "Augustine and Women: Relationships and Teachings" Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 115-131
Robert B. Eno, S.S. "Doctrinal Authority in Saint Augustine" Augustinian Studies 12 (1981): 133-172
Paul G. Kuntz "St. Augustine's Quest for Truth: The Adequacy of a Christian Philosophy" Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 1-21
Paul J. Archambault "Augustine, Memory and the Development of Autobiography" Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 23-30
Frances J. Chivers "Wordsworth's 'Prelude' in the Tradition of Augustine's 'Confessions'" Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 31-42
William J. Collinge "Augustine and theological Falsification" Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 43-53
George J. Lavere "The Two Cities' of Otto, Bishop of Freising: Study in neo-Augustinian Political Theory" Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 55-65
Richard Penaskovic "Two Classical Western Theologians: Augustine and Newman" Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 67-79
E. Clasby "Chaucer and Augustine: Human Love and the Doctrine of 'Use'" Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 81-86
J. Kevin Coyle "In Praise of Monica: A Note on the Ostia Experience of Confessions IX" Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 87-96
Antoine Reymond "Saint Augustin et la conversion" Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 97-109
Judith Chelius Stark "The Problem of Evil: Augustine and Ricoeur" Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 111-121
J. Roland E. Ramirez "The Priority of Reason over Faith in Augustine" Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 123-131
William Riordan O'Connor "The Concept of the Person in St. Augustine's 'De Trinitate'" Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 133-143
M.J. Coughlan "'Si fallor, sum' revisted" Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 145-149
Leo Charles Ferrari "Saint Augustine on the Road to Damascus" Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 151-170
Raymond D. DiLorenzo "Ciceronianism and Augustine's Conception of Philosophy" Augustinian Studies 13 (1982): 171-176
George J. Lavere "The Problem of the Common Good in Saint Augustine's 'Civitas terrena'" Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 1-10
Frances J. Chivers "Wordsworth's 'Real Language of Men' and Augustine's Theory of Language" Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 11-24
James J. O'Donnell "Salvian and Augustine" Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 24-34
James W. Conley and James J. McCartney "Petrarch and Augustine: The 'Canzoniere' and the 'Confessions'" Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 35-44
William Riordan O'Connor "The UTI/FRUI Distinction in Augustine's Ethics" Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 45-62
William J. Collinge "The Role of christian Community Life in Augustine's Apologetics" Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 63-73
Roland J. Teske, S.J. "The World-Soul and Time in St. Augustine" Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 75-92
Zacharias P. Thundy "Love: Augustine and Chaucer" Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 93-103
Theodore J. Kondoleon "Augustine's Argument for God's Existence De Libero Arbitrio, Book II" Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 105-116
Raymond D. DiLorenzo "Non Pie Quaerunt: Rhetoric, Dialectic, and the Discovery of the True.." Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 117-128
Carole E. Straw "Augustine as pastoral Theologican: The Exegesis of the Parables of the Field and Threshing Floor" Augustinian Studies 14 (1983): 129-151
Kenneth B. Steinhauser "Recapitulatio in Tyconius and Augustine" Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 1-5
Paul J. Archambault "Augustine, Time, and Autobiography as Language" Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 7-13
Lorenzo Viscido "Augustinian Works Available in the Vivarium Library (6th Century)" Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 35-40
William Lane Craig "Augustine on Foreknowledge and Free Will" Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 41-63
Roland J. Teske, S.J. "Spirituals and Spiritual Interpretation in Augustine" Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 65-81
Mary T. Clark, R.S.C.J. "Augustinian Spirituality" Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 83-92
John C. Cooper "The Basic Philosophical and Theological Notions of Augustine" Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 93-113
Jonathan Black "De Civitate dei' and the Commentaries of Gregory the Great, Bede and Hrabanus Maurus on the book of Samuel" Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 114-127
Russell J. De Simone "Augustine and the Parables of Jesus" Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 129-131
Joanne McWilliam Dewart "Augustine's Developping Use of the Cross: 387-400" Augustinian Studies 15 (1984): 15-33
Frances Stefano "Lordship over Weakness: Humanity as Locus of Divine Power in Augustine's Tractatates on the Gospel of John" Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 1-19
Herman J. Cloeren "St. Augustine's De Magistro, a transcendental Investigation" Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 21-27
Thomas Renna "Angels and Spirituality: The Augustinian Tradition to Eckhardt" Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 29-37
Dean Simpson "Epicureanism in the Confessions of St. Augustine" Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 39-48
William J. Collinge "Developments in Augustine's Theology of christian Community Life after AC 395" Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 49-63
Carl P.E. Springer "The Artistry of Augustine's Psalmus contra partem Donati" Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 65-74
Raymond D. DiLorenzo "Divine Eloquence and the spiritual World of the 'Praedicator': Book III of St. Augustine's Confessions" Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 75-88
Paolo Miccoli "Storia e Profezia nel Pensiero di S. Agostino" Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 89-106
Paul G. Kuntz "The I-Thou-Relation and Aretaic Divine Command Ethics: Augustine's Study of Virture and Vices in the Confessions" Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 107-127
Frank P. Riga "Augustinian Pride and the Work of C.S. Lewis" Augustinian Studies 16 (1985): 129-136
Russell J. De Simone "St. Augustine: On Being a Christian" Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 1-14
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J. "On Augustine's First Conversion: Factus Erectior (De Beata Vita 4)" Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 15-30
Petrus Cornelius Mayer, O.S.A. "Augustins Bekehrung im Lichte seiner `Bekenntnisse': Ein Exempel der kirchlichen Gnadenlehre" Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 31-47
Eugene Kevane "Christian Philosophy: The Intellectual Side of Augustine's Conversion" Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 47-84
Pedro Langa "Reflexiones agustinianas sobre la riqueza" Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 85-108
Paul J. Archambault "Shifts of Narrative Level in Saint Augustine's Confessions" Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 109-118
David Chidester "The Symmetry of Word and Light: Perceptual Categories in Augustine's Confessions" Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 119-134
Richard Penaskovic "The Fall of the Soul in Saint A: A Quaestio Disputata" Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 135-146
Mary T. Clark, R.S.C.J "Victorinus and Augustine: Some Differences" Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 147-160
Jos<130> Oroz Reta, O.A.R. "L'homme nouveau selon saint Augustin" Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 161-168
Tarcisius J. van Bavel "The Double Face of Love in Augustine" Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 169-182
William R Schoedel "Tarcisius van Bavel on Augustine and Love: A Response" Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 183-186
Charles Kannengiesser "Augustine On Love" Augustinian Studies 17 (1986): 187-190
Jaroslav Pelikan "An Augustinian Dilemma: Augustine's Doctrine of Grace versus Augustine's Doctrine of the Church?" [The 1987 Saint Augustine Lecture] Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 1-29
Leo Charles Ferrari "An Analysis of Augustine's Conversional Reading" Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 30-51
Carl P.E. Springer "The Prosopopeia of Church as Mother in Augustine's Psalmus contra partem Donati" Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 52-65
N. Joseph Torchia "St. Augustine's Treatment of Superbia and its Plotinian Affinities" Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 66-80
Christopher Ocker "Augustinianism in Fourteenth-Century Theology" Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 82-107
Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott "Medieval Sources of the Theme of Free Will in Hannah Arendt's The Life of the Mind: Augustine, Aquinas and Scotus" Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 107-124
William J. Collinge "De Trinitate and the Understanding of Religious Language" Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 125-150
Daniel A. Dombrowski "The Confessions of Augustine and DeQuincey" Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 151-164
Theodore J. Kondoleon "Augustine and the Problem of Divine Foreknowledge and Free Will" Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 165-187
Russell J. De Simone "Augustine and the Anti-Life Mentality" Augustinian Studies 18 (1987): 190-200
Russell J. De Simone "Augustine, On Being a Christian" [The 1988 Saint Augustine Lecture] Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 1-36
David A. Lenihan "The Just War Theory in the Work of Saint Augustine" Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 37-70
Robert J. Goar "Reflections on some Anti-Roman Elements in De Civitate Dei, Books I-V" Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 71-84
Roland J. Teske, S.J. "A Decisive Admonition for Saint Augustine" Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 85-93
Paul F. Gehl "An Augustinian Catechism in Fourteenth Century Tuscany: Prosper's Epigrammata" Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 93-110
N. Joseph Torchia "Curiositas in the Early Philosophical Writings of Saint Augustine" Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 111-120
J. Roland E. Ramirez "Augustine's Proof for God's Existence from the Experience of Beauty" Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 121-130
Thomas D. Feehan "Augustine on Lying and Deception" Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 131-140
Craig L. Hanson "Usury and the World of St. Augustine of Hippo" Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 141-164
John M. Quinn, O.S.A. "Anti-Manichean and other moral Precisions in Confessions" Augustinian Studies 19 (1988): 165-194
William H.C. Frend "Augustine and Orosius: On the End of the Ancient World" [The 1989 Saint Augustine Lecture] Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 1-38
Marianne Djuth "Fulgentius of Ruspe: The 'Initium bonae Voluntatis'" Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 39-60
Michael J. Scanlon, O.S.A. "The Augustinian Tradition: A Retrieval" Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 61-92
Pamela Jackson "Ambrose of Milan as Mystagogue" Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 93-108
Donald A. Cress "Augustine's Privation Account of Evil. A Defense" Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 109-128
William A. Stephany "Thematic Structure in Augustine's Confessions" Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 129-142
Edwin D. Craun "Verbum Nuncius est rationis': Augustinian Sign Theory in Medieval Pastoral Discourse on Deviant Speech" Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 143-164
Rose Lockwood "Potens et Factiosa Femina. Women, Martyrs and Schism in Roman North Africa" Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 165-182
Maria M. Archambault "The Iconography of St. Augustine: Gozzoli's Fresco Cycle in San Gimignano" Augustinian Studies 20 (1989): 183-198
Tarsicius J. Van Bavel "The Creator and the Integrity of Creation in the Fathers of the Church, especially in Saint Augustine" [The 1990 Saint Augustine Lecture] Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 1-33
Marianne Djuth "Faustus of Riez: Initium Bonae Voluntatis" Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 35-53
Donald X. Burt "Courageous Optimism: Augustine on the Good of Creation" Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 55-56
Thomas D. Feehan "The Morality of Lying in St. Augustine" Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 67-81
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J. "Faith, Reason, and Ascent to Vision in St. Augustine" Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 83-126
Frederick Van Fleteren "A Reply to Robert O'Connell" Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 127-137
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J. "Where the Difference still lies" Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 139-152
J. Roland E. Ramirez "Augustine's Numbering Numbers and the Immortality of the Human Soul" Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 153-161
N. Joseph Torchia "Pondus meum amor est'. The Weight-Metaphor in St. Augustine's Early Philosophy" Augustinian Studies 21 (1990): 163-176
James J. O'Donnell "The Authority of Augustine" [The 1991 Saint Augustine Lecture] Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 7-35
Leo Charles Ferrari "Augustine's 'discovery' of Paul (Confessions 7.21.27" Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 37-61
Danne W. Polk "Temporal Impermanence and the Disparity of Time and Eternity" Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 63-82
Donald X. Burt "Friendship and Subordination in Earthly Societies" Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 83-123
Joseph Wawrykow "Perseverance' in 13th Century Theology: the Augustinian contributio" Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 125-140
Roland J. Teske, S.J. "St. Augustine's View of the Original Human Condition in 'De Genesi contra Manichaeos'" Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 141-155
Oliver Phillips "St. Augustine's Lucanesque Moment: the Third Book of the 'City of God'" Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 157-164
Thomas D. Feehan "Augustine's Own Examples of Lying" Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 165-190
Donald L. Ross "Time, the Heaven of Heavens, and Memory in Augustine's Confessions" Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 191-205
Marianne Djuth "Faustus of Riez and the Royal Way" Augustinian Studies 22 (1991): 207-216
Roland J. Teske, S.J. "Saint Augustin as Philosopher: The Birth of Christian Metaphysics" [The 1992 Saint Augustine Lecture] Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 7-32
Gerald Bonner "Pelagianism and Augustine" Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 33-51
George P. Lawless "Augustine's Use of Rhetoric in His Interpretation of John 21, 19-23" Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 53-67
Frederick Van Fleteren "Per Speculum in aenigmate: The Use of I Corinthians 13,12 in the Writings of Augustine" Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 69-102
John C. Cavadini "The Structure and Intention of Augustine's De Trinitate" Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 103-123
Gerald W. Schlabach "Friendship As Adultery: Social Reality and Sexual Metaphor in Augustine's Doctrine of Original Sin" Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 125-147
William P. Haggerty "Augustine, the 'mixed Life', and Classical Political Philosophy Reflections on Compositio in Book 19 of the City of God" Augustinian Studies 23 (1992): 149-163
Gillian R. Evans "Augustine on Knowing what to Believe" [The 1993 Saint Augustine Lecture] Augustinian Studies 24 (1994): 7-25
Gerald Bonner "Augustine and Pelagianism" Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 27-49
Kim Power "Sed unam tamen: Augustine and His Concubine" Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 49-77
Bradley Starr "Modernity, Antiquity and 'Thoughts Which Have Not Yet Been Thought': Ernst Troeltsch's Interpretation of Augustine" Augustinian Studies 24 (1994): 77-102
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J. "Peter Brown on the Soul's Fall" Augustinian Studies 24 (1993): 103-131
Paul Burns "Augustine's Distinctive use of the Psalms in the Confessions: the role of music and recitation" Augustinian Studies 24 (1994): 133-146
Rowan Williams "Good for nothing'? Augustine on Creation" Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 9-24
James J. O'Donnell "Augustine's Idea of God" Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 25-35
Michael J. Scanlon, O.S.A. "Augustine and Theology as Rhetoric" Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 37-50
Edmund Hill, O.P. "Unless you believe, you shall not understand" Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 51-64
Robert J. O'Connell, S.J. "The Visage of Philosophy at Cassiciacum" Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 65-76
Robert Dodaro "Eloquent lies, just wars and the politics of persuasion: Reading Augustine's City of God in a 'postmodern' world" Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 77-137
Kari Elisabeth Borresen "Patristic Feminism: The Case of Augustine" Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 139-152
David G. Hunter "Augustinian Pessimism? A New Look at Augustine's Teaching on Sex, Marriage and Celibacy" Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 153-177
William S. Babcock "Augustine and the Spirituality of Desire" Augustinian Studies 25 (1994): 179-199
George Lawless, O.S.A. "Cave, Cinema, and the Church: Augustine of Hippo and Walker Percy" [The 1994 Saint Augustine Lecture] Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 7-36
Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J. "Origen and Augustine: Preaching on John the Baptist" Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 37-46
Peter Burnell "Concupiscence and Moral Freedom in Augustine and before Augustine" Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 49-63
Earl Muller, S.J. "The Dynamic of Augustine's De Trinitate: A Response to a Recent Characterization" Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 65-91
James Siebach "Rhetorical Strategies in book One of St. Augustine's Confessions" Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 93-108
Leo C. Ferrari "Young Augustine: Both Catholic and Manichee" Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 109-128
Lance Byron Richey "Porphyry, Reincarnation and Resurrection in De Ciuitate Dei" Augustinian Studies 26:1 (1995): 129-142
David G. Hunter "The Date and Purpose of Augustine's De contintntia" Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 7-24
Michael R. Rackett "Anti-Pelagian Polemic in Augustine's De Continentia" Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 25-50
Michel Ren<130> Barnes "De Regnon Reconsidered" Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 51-79
Marianne Saghy "Conversio Animae" Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 81-108
L. Johan van der Lof "Abraham's Bosom in the Writings of Irenaeus, Tertullian and Augustine" Augustinian Studies 26:2 (1995): 109-123
Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J. "Reading the Bible and Learning to Read: The Influence of Education on St. Augustine's Exegesis" [The 1995 Saint Augustine Lecture] Augustinian Studies 27:1 (1996): 7-25
Andrew McGowan "Ecstasy and Charity: Augustine with Nathanael under the Fig Tree" Augustinian Studies 27:1 (1996): 27-38
Laurie Douglass "Voice Re-Cast: Augustine's Use of Conversation" Augustinian Studies 27:1 (1996): 39-54
David A. Lenihan "The Influence of Augustine's Just War: the Early Middle Ages" Augustinian Studies 27:1 (1996): 55-94
Eugene TeSelle "Thesis on O'Connell: The Origin and 'Proper Life' of the Soul in Augustine's Thought" Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 7-19
Stephen A. Cooper "Scripture at Cassiciacum: I Corinthians 13: 13 in the Soliloquies" Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 21-47
Dorothea Weber "Gedanken zur Textgestaltung von Augustinus: Enarrationes in Psalmos 64 und 68" Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 47-58
George Lawless, O.S.A. "The Man Born Blind: Augustine's Tractate 44 on John 9" Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 61-79
David Vincent Meconi, S.J. "St. Augustine's Early Theory of Participation" Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 81-98
Carol Scheppard "The Transmission of Sin in the Seed: A Debate between Augustine of Hippo and Julian of Eclanum" Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 99-108
Frederick Van Fleteren "Augustine's Principles of Biblical Exegesis, De doctrina christiana Aside: Miscellaneous Observations" Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 109-130
Leo Ferrari "Augustine's Cosmography" Augustinian Studies 27:2 (1996): 131-180
Basil Studer, O.S.B. "History and Faith in Augustine's De Trinitate" [The 1996 Saint Augustine Lecture] Augustinian Studies 28:1 (1997): 7-50
George Lawless, O.S.A. "Listening to Augustine: Tractate 44 on John 9" Augustinian Studies 28:1 (1997): 51-66
Robert Innes "Integrating the Self through the Desire of God" Augustinian Studies 28:1 (1997): 67-109
Allison Lee Palmer "The Church of Gesu e Maria in Rome: Augustinian Iconography in the Counter-Reformation" Augustinian Studies 28:1 (1997): 111-140
Kim Paffenroth "Tears of Grief and Joy: Confessions Book 9: Chronological Sequence and Structure" Augustinian Studies 28:1 (1997): 141-154
William Harmless, S.J. "Christ the Pediatrician: Infant Baptism and Christological Imagery in the Pelagian Controversy" Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 7-34
George Lawless, O.S.A. "The Wedding at Cana: Augustine on the Gospel according to John, Tractates 8 and 9" Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 35-80
John M. Norris "Macrobius: A Classical Contrast to Christian Exegesis" Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 81-100
Jason P. Drucker "Teaching as Pointing in 'The Teacher'" Augustinian Studies 28:2 (1997): 101-132
John M. Rist "Democracy and Religious Values: Augustine on Locke, Lying and Individualism" [The 1997 Saint Augustine Lecture] Augustinian Studies 29:1 (1998): 7-24
Michael Mendelson ""The Business of Those Absent:" The Origin of the Soul in Augustine's De Genesi Ad Litteram 10.6-26" Augustinian Studies 29:1 (1998): 25-81
Lilian H. Zirpolo "The Impact of St. Augustine's Writings on the Arts: The Sacchetti Chapel as Exemplar" Augustinian Studies 29:1 (1998): 83-109
Lewis Ayres "The Christological Context of Augustine's De trinitate XIII: Toward Relocating Books VIII-XV" Augustinian Studies 29:1 (1998): 111-139
Philip Cary "What Licentius Learned: A narrative Reading of the Cassiciacum Dialogues" Augustinian Studies 29:1 (1998): 141-163
David F. Wright "Monnica's Baptism, Augustine's Deferred Baptism, and Patricius" Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 1-17
Julia Fleming "By Coincidence or Design?: Cassian's Disagreement with Augustine Concerning the Ethics of Falsehood" Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 19-34
Johannes Brachtendorf ""..prius esse cogitare quam credere" -- A Natural Understanding of 'Trinity' in St. Augustine?" Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 35-45
Laura Holt "Wisdom's Teacher: Augustine at Cassiciacum" Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 47-60
David Vincent Meconi, S.J. "The Incarnation and the Role of Participation in St. Augustine's Confessions" Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 61-75
Eric O. Springsted "Will and Order: The Moral Self in Augustine's De Libero Arbitrio" Augustinian Studies 29:2 (1998): 77-96
Frances Young "The Confessions of Saint Augustine: What is the Genre of this Work?" [The 1998 Saint Augustine Lecture] Augustinian Studies 30:1 (1999): 1-16
Mark Weedman "Martyrdom and Docetism in Hilary of Poitiers's De Trinitate" Augustinian Studies 30:1 (1999): 21-41
Michel Ren<130> Barnes "Exegesis and Polemic in Augustine's De Trinitate I" Augustinian Studies 30:1 (1999): 43-59
Josef Loessl "Augustine's On the Trinity in Gregory Palamas's One Hundred and Fifty Chapters" Augustinian Studies 30:1 (1999): 61-82
Thomas O'Loughlin "The Development of Augustine the Bishop's Critique of Astrology" Augustinian Studies 30:1 (1999): 83-103
Derek Simon "Ad Regnum Caritatis: The Finality of Biblical Interpretation" Augustinian Studies 30:1 (1999): 105-127
Mark Vessey and Karla Pollmann "Introduction to History, Apocalypse, and the Secular Imagination: New Essays on Augustine's City of God" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 1-26
Neil B. McLynn "Augustine's Roman Empire" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 29-44
G.J.P. O'Daly "Thinking through History: Augustine's Method in the City of God and Its Ciceronian Dimension" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 45-57
Catherine Conybeare "Terrarum Orbi Documentum: Augustine, Camillus, and Learning from History" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 59-74
Philippe Bruggisser "City of the Outcast and City of the Elect: The Romulean Asylum in Augustine's City of God and Servius's Commentaries on Virgil" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 75-104
Paul C. Burns "Augustine's Use of Sallust in the City of God: The Role of the Grammatical Tradition" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 105-114
David Lambert "Uses of Decay: History in Salvian's De gubernatione dei" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 115-130
Paul B. Harvey, Jr. "Approaching the Apocalypse: Augustine, Tyconius, and John's Revelation" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 133-151
Harry O. Maier "The End of the City and the City without End: The City of God as Revelation" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 153-164
Karla Pollmann "Moulding the Present: Apocalyptic as Hermeneutics in City of God 21-22" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 165-181
Virginia Burrus "An Immoderate Feast: Augustine Reads John's Apocalypse" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 183-194
Thomas A. Smith "The Pleasure of Hell in City of God 21" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 195-204
J. Kevin Coyle "Adapted Discourse: Heaven in Augustine's City of God and in His Contemporary Preaching" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 205-219
Kevin L. Hughes "Augustine and the Adversary: Strategies of Synthesis in Early Medieval Exegesis" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 221-233
Gretchen E. Minton "Civitas to Congregation: Augustine's Two Cities and John Bale's Image of Both Churches" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 237-256
Mark Vessey "The Citie of God (1610) and the London Virginia Company" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 257-281
Peter J. Burnell "Is the Augustinian Heaven Inhuman? The Arguments of Martin Heidegger and Hannah Arendt" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 283-292
Joanna Vecchiarelli Scott "Hannah Arendt's Secular Augustinianism" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 293-310
Michael J. Hollerich "John Milbank, Augustine, and the "Secular"" Augustinian Studies 30:2 (1999): 311-326
Robert Louis Wilken "Spiritus sanctus secundum scripturas sanctas: Exegetical Considerations of Augustine on the Holy Spirit" [The 1999 Saint Augustine Lecture] Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 1-18
Stephen Hildebrand "The Letter Kills but the Spirit Gives Life: Romans 7 in the Early Works of Augustine and in Rufinus's Translation of Origen's Commentary" Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 19-39
Roland J. Teske, S.J., Ronnie J. Rombs, and Joseph T. Lienhard, S.J. "Tribute and Bibliography in Memory of Robert John O'Connell, S.J., 1925-1999" Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 41-58
Christian Schaefer "Augustine on Mode, Form, and Natural Order" Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 59-77
Johannes Brachtendorf "The Goodness of Creation and the Reality of Evil: Suffering as a Problem in Augustine's Theodicy" Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 72-92
Thomas L. Holtzen "The Therapeutic Nature of Grace in St. Augustine's De Gratia et Libero Arbitrio" Augustinian Studies 31:1 (2000): 93-115